Ok, on to this week's Finds:
- When the Emperor was Divine by June Otsuka - a story of a Japanese American family in a WWII internment camp
- Allen & Mike's Really Cool Backpackin' Book by Allen O'Bannon - I thought this might be fun to read with kiddo when he's a bit older - I love to camp and have taken kiddo several times (hubby always gets out of it somehow!)
- Close Encounters by Katherine Allred - the cover art I've seen for this book is just awful and that alone would have made me decide not to even try it BUT I read the first 20 pages here and I'm really quite interested - I've been too long away from the Sci-Fi/Fantasy world and I'm having withdrawl ~LOL~ (this one won't be out until March '09 though)
Sign up here and post your own Friday Finds or comment on this post letting me know what you've discovered this week.
You were quick to get your link up today! Almost faster than me! LOL. :P
Thanks for playing!
Look at mine!
My finds!
I think I'd enjoy *When the Emperor was Divine*; I'll check back for your review.
I'm with your husband on the camping thing ... I did it when I was a kid, but I've lost that particular sense of adventure!
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