Today's Topic: A Book I Read Only Because of Another Blogger
One of the great things about book blogging is the overwhelming number of books I've heard of that I never would have found out about otherwise. Most of the books that end up on my TBR list are ones that would interest me no matter where I heard of them - a blog, a bookstore, from a friend, whatever. Every once in a while though, there is a book review that completely captures my attention and makes me want to venture outside my "reading comfort zone" ... and that's what I'm sharing with you today.
I found it on a blog ... and I loved it.
I don't like scary movies. I don't like scary books. I'm not into mysteries other than Sherlock Holmes. So you can imagine my shock when I found myself adding Bram Stoker's DRACULA to my TBR list last year!
I came across a review of this classic horror novel at The Sleepy Reader and I was intrigued. For some reason I got the impression from her comments that the story would be quaint and almost funny. That isn't exactly what she said in the review, but that's what I got from it. I decided to read it, figuring that it wouldn't be scary at all and that I might even get a laugh out of it. Boy was I wrong!

Never in my life would I have picked up DRACULA in a bookstore, not even to browse the back cover. And yet, because of one book blogger's review, I not only read it but loved it too.
Oh, and I had a ton of fun writing my review of DRACULA. I included clips from movies and answered questions from other bloggers - check it out here if you like.
*** Coming Soon: Dueling Monsters! ***

Because I had so much fun with DRACULA I decided to try reading FRANKENSTEIN as well. To make it more fun, I'm hosting a read-a-long of it in October. AND my friend Jill at Fizzy Thoughts is hosting a read-a-long of DRACULA. It will be a month of dueling monsters! Want to join us? Leave a comment here and we'll make sure you're included on the participants list.
Great review. I read Dracula a long time ago but I remember it being very creepy and nightmare inducing!
I'm already joining you for Frankenstein, but I may have to hook up with Fizzy Thoughts for Dracula, too!
I liked Dracula. Here is mine
Have you read The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova??? You must.
I think I tried to read Dracula when I was too young. Not that it was upsetting or anything, just that I wasn't ready to really appreciate it yet. I think the flowery language you mentioned might have had something to do with it. I have it on my shelf (at least I think I still have it there) so maybe someday when I'm in the right mood.
I wasn't aware of the dueling monster thing. How fun is that? I have a copy of Frankenstein somewhere. Perhaps I should pull it out.
Dracula is a wonderful book!
BBAW: Which book blogger is responsible for this?
I *just* finished reading Frankenstein about a week ago. But I'm probably game for joining in on the discussions if I'm welcome :) (It's a book I never grow tire of.) I would definitely be interested in reading Dracula in October. Do I need to sign up with Jill at Fizzy Thoughts? Is there a specific post for signing up?
Alexa – It wasn’t nightmarish for me (and I’m a HUGE chicken!) but it was definitely creepy.
Lezlie – YAY!
Bluestocking – I’ll check yours out shortly.
Kelly – Not yet, but I really want to. Maybe next year …
Alyce – Definitely try it again sometime, I’m sure you’d appreciate it now.
Ti – Please do!
Gautami – I’ll be over to check out your link as soon as I can.
Becky – Of course you’re welcome – we’d love to have you. Jill and I will be posting details on 10/1. Since it isn’t as formal as a reading challenge, you can sign just up on the “announcement” posts.
I would really like to read Dracula. I tried before and I think I couldn't get past the language but I still have it and hope to give it another go one day.
I'm joining you for Frankenstein. Will have to think about dracula. Heck it is in october so may as well make it a monster fest month.
Nicole - I hope you can get into it at some point!
Robin - Heck yeah!
I am so glad you enjoyed Dracula. I really did too, much to my surprise. I think I was so used to the cheesy movies that I didn't expect the book to be any better. I hope you enjoy Frankenstein. That's on my to read list to get to eventually.
Great button for your dueling monsters!
I haven't read Dracula; you may convince me to give it a look.
Even with recommendations from both of you, I don't think Dracula is for me.
I now have Frankenstein, too...so I'm ready to spend some quality time with both dudes.
Literary Feline - I don't know WHAT I expected exactly, but it was really, really good - I was very surprised.
Dawn - Thanks! I had fun trying to find images for it. Dracula is available on Project Gutenberg ... maybe you can try out the first few chapters in early October and see if you want to stick with it!
bermudaonion - aw, that's ok, I can forgive you. ~LOL~
softdrink - YAY! I can't wait to get started - this will be so much fun.
Dracula is a great book, and I've been meaning to find more Dracula esque vampire books, or even other takes on him. Part of what made the book, was the character. Glad you enjoyed it.
I'm with you for Frankenstein thanks for visiting my blog and letting me know about it.
I had Frankenstein on my list to read LAST October, so I want in on the read-a-long!
LOL-I love your little monster characters! I don't know if I'm up for re-reading Frankenstein, but I've never read Dracula, so maybe I'll join in on that one.
Jules - Have you read THE HISTORIAN? I've heard it is fabulous, and it definitely has to do with Dracula ...
tokemise - Glad to have you!
Natasha - You got it!
Dreamybee - Thanks, I thought they were rather cute. :)
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