Aah, the end of another year ... how the time does fly. It will be REALLY hard trying to write 2010 rather than 2009 (and dare I admit that I actually wrote 2007 on a check the other day?!)
I recapped my reading year back in November when I celebrated my birthday so you won't see any huge year-end recaps here this month. Instead I've got my regular monthly recap ... and I must say, I'm rather pleased with it this month.
Books - 8 (2,025 pages)
- The Better to Hold You by Alisa Sheckley- 305 pages -typical werewolf book, but fun
- Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater - 400 pages - interesting new take on werewolves
- Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran - 228 pages - great book
- Medea by Euripides - 20 pages - a bit disappointing
- A Christmas Carol: Special Edition by Charles Dickens - 124 pages - love this one!
- The Language of Bees by Laurie R. King - 432 pages - not my favorite Mary Russell but still good
- The Little Stranger by Sarah Water - 463 pages - really enjoyed it, has similarities to The Turn of the Screw
- Bill Bryson's African Diary - 53 pages - quick and interesting
Audio Books - 1 (15 hours)
- Affinity by Sarah Waters - 15 hours - VERY atmospheric, a great gothic novel
- Kiddo & I did a Mom & Son Book Club post about A Christmas Carol. Now we're back to reading The Titan's Curse, book 3 in the Percy Jackson series; we'd put it aside for Christmas but now we're ready to continue.
- I wrote about two book & movie combinations: Moll Flanders and Julie & Julia.
- My TBR list gained 5 titles this month and Kiddo's gained 1. (But that isn't really an accurate statistic. I count books as added to the TBR only after I post about them on Friday Finds ... and considering that I have 10 more books to post about, well, you see what I mean.)
- I'm currently listening to an audio of Isak Dineson's biography; she's the author of Out of Africa. I've got the movie (which I LOVE) and the book checked out from the library and I'm only waiting to finish the biography before diving into both of them.
- I've got a great reading plan for 2010 and I'm really hoping to stick to it. I've left myself plenty of room for flexibility (I hope!) so I'm optimistic that I'll meet my goals for the year. At least, I'm keeping my fingers crossed....
2009 is almost gone, 2010 is just about here ... wow, that was certainly fast. I wish all of you a wonderful time celebrating tonight, and a safe and happy 2010!