Today's Topic: Share your goals for your blog one year from now AND say what you love best about your blog, each in 50 words or less.
One year from now I hope to …
- be able to make my own blogger template improvements,
- be a more vocal spokesperson for book clubs,
- have even more bloggers I can call my true friends, and
- have my TBR list down to a reasonable level!
I love that my blog …
- brings me new friends I really connect with,
- helps me encourage Kiddo to read and think about books,
- has introduced me to books I’d never have found on my own, and
- let’s me know that I’m not the only person like me out there!
Good luck on that last goal!
Beth beat me to it: Good luck on that whole TBR thing. :-)
Some great goals, although I don't know how to even think about getting the TBR pile down. Every time I get one read, another book gets put on it.
Congratulations on your award and don't fret about learning how to alter your template. I'm not techie and out of necessity and want, I've learned to do a lot. Color Online is a basic Blogger template my guy and I embellished. You really don't have to reinvent the wheel, just envision it differently. After that, take a few breaths, exercise a little patience (queen impatient here) and you'll create what you want.
Beth F, Lezlie, Katie - Hey, no one said they had to be REALISTIC goals! ~LOL~
Color Online - Thanks for the encouragement! I figured out how to do the 3-column layout with help from other bloggers, so I know it can be done. I must say that I'm impressed with your blog's design, especially since you say it is just a modification of a blogger template - great job!
Congratulations on your award. Good luck on your goals. When you figure out the last one, let us all know. I agree about blogging friendships. It's been great connecting with other like minded people.
Congrats on your BBAW award, and I totally agree with you on the last two items on your "love" list!
Congratulations on your award! I think we'd all like to whittle away at our pile of books.
yeay! We're all here together. I too love that I'm not the only one like me!
Congratulations on your award and good luck on the TBR goal.
You have some good goals there. I'd love to get my TBR list under control, but that just won't happen.
Also, good luck with your reread through of the WoT books. I'm currently on the 7th book. And even though I haven't gotten near the 12th book yet, anxiously awaiting it's release!
It's good to be optimistic about that TBR pile. ;-)
I think the only way to reduce that TBR pile will be to shut yourself in a closet with a nightlight, a pile of books and no computer!
Margot - I loved meeting YOU this week. :)
Florida - Thank you, and yes, we are on the same page on those!
bermudaonion - amen to that!
rebecca - YAY for finding a group we all fit in!!!
Gavin - Thanks, and thanks for commenting - I love new visitors. :)
Jules - Is Brandon Sanderson coming to your area on his tour? I can't wait to meet him when he comes to Baltimore!
softdrink - optimistic - yes, realistic - no ~LOL~
Lisa - good plan!
I don't think he is coming to my area. I haven't looked to see if he is coming to Canada yet... hmmm... should check it out.
If you find a way to get your TBR pile under control, please enlighten us. :)
I think you're already doing a great job on the book club front.
Diary of an Eccentric
Get the TBR down to a reasonable level? Are you crazy? LOL That's half the fun!
That N above was me. Hit enter too soon.
Jules - Ooh, that's too bad. :(
Anna - Don't worry, I will. And thanks!
Good luck on the TBR. And I wish I could play around with my blogger code too.
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