Today's Topic: Interview a fellow book blogger.
My interview partner is Mik from I Am Non Fiction. This is a new-to-me blog and I enjoyed browsing through the posts Mik has written. I hope you'll hop over and say hi!
Q: Your blog is called I Am Non Fiction. At first I thought that was the theme of the blog - non fiction books - but after browsing around I think it is more about who you are. Am I right or wrong? What can you tell me about your blog name and why you chose it
A: You’re right. I wanted something that had to do with literature but wanted to be crafty about it. I’m not exactly sure when the name popped up, but once it did I knew it was a keeper.Q: What are your favorite genres to read? Any that you don't like?
A: I like fantasy and contemporary the best. I can’t say I really hate any genres, though chick lit can bore me.Q: What is the best book you've read since you started your blog back in June of this year?
A: Oh, that’s a hard one. But I think I’ll go with Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta.Q: What is a book you LOVE that you'd be embarrassed to be seen with?
A: Honestly, I’m not ashamed of what I read, so I’d have to say none.Q: I see you like to read YA books, specifically fantasy and romance. So ... Stephenie Meyer's TWILIGHT: love it or hate it? (If you chose love, then Edward or Jacob?)
A: I’m in between. I started reading the series before the hype and I thought it was pretty good. But now, I think it’s overkill. The book isn’t meant for a younger audience and I see so many little kids reading it. I also though Bella was a whiny and sometimes unrealistic narrator. I won’t go on a whole spiel about the book though. And I think I’d pick Jacob, though neither sounds very appealing.Q: What author's book would you buy ASAP knowing nothing about it but who wrote it? What's so great about that author?
A: Libba Bray! My favorite author. I think she’s an amazing author as well as a very funny person. Or else John Green.Q: Are you a book keeper, a book swapper, a book borrower, or something other species of reader?
A: Book keeper. I love buying books.Q: List three things that you like to do that are unrelated to books.
A: Listen to music, play the piano, write.Q: Give me one book I absolutely have to read, one book blog I have to visit, and one strange-but-true tidbit about you.
A: Definitely read A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray. And I’d say visit The Story Siren. Kristi is really nice and does so many book reviews. As for one strange but true fact, I am a complete neat freak when it comes to school, but at home my clothes are all over and books make up my floor.Q: Anything else you want to share with my readers?
A: Nope. Thanks so much for having me!
Thanks Mik! I hope my readers enjoy getting to know you a bit, and I hope they all hop over to say hello.
Yep, I love Libba Bray too! Kartik - one of the best characters ever! LOL.
Excellent questions that brought out very good answers. It is nice to meet another new blogging friend.
Great answers. Loved this interview!
BBAW: Interviewing myself
Excellent interview! I really enjoyed your thoughtful questions and the thoughtful responses.
austenfan - I've never read any Bray but I've heard only good things about her.
Margot, Gautami & Browngirl - Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
I would have guessed it was a non-fiction blog too. I need to go check it out.
ooh! Don't judge a blog by it's name, I guess! I'm so glad you started with that question, Heather. Although, I love to read non-fiction, so I'm happy to "meet" Mik in any case!
Okay, this is irrelevant, but I feel like I'm following Dawn around...I keep leaving comments after her.
Anyhoosie...great interview...I thought it was a non-fiction blog, too!
bermuda & dawn - I'm glad I wasn't the only one!
softdrink - too funny! you're a comment stalker!!!
Another new-to-me blogger! Great interview...I love the strange but true fact...
I'm also in the middle about the Twilight series, but I do love me some Edward!
I'm a book keeper, too. Great interview!
Diary of an Eccentric
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