Today's Topic: We encourage you to write a post thanking and spotlighting your favorite blogs that didn’t make the shortlists.
Although many of the blogs I read regularly did make the BBAW awards shortlists there are MANY MANY MANY I also read regularly that did not. Today I'm going to tell you about four of them. If you get a chance, I'd love for you to visit these blogs (and maybe say hello) - they are all worth reading, albeit for different reasons.
Spotlight On ...
At Home With Books - from the United States - I think I found Alyce (rhymes with "peace") during last year's BBAW, but I could be wrong there. She is responsible for quite a few of the books that I've added to my TBR list. Alyce hosts a weekly meme called My Favorite Reads where participants are asked to showcase a book read BB (Before Blogging). I've had the chance to share some old favorites through this meme and also discover lots of older books that are completely new to me.
The Armenian Odar Reads - Dutch, blogging from Armenia - Myrthe doesn't post all that often but when she does, you'd better believe that it is worth reading. She reviews books written in Dutch and English (and I think Armenian too). Through her reviews - which are always detailed and thought-provoking - I'm exposed to many books that were not written first in English, books that I'm not hearing about anywhere else.
Book Chatter and other stuff ... - from the United States - Ti (sounds like "tea") reviews books, shares about her family, reviews more books, causes me to add titles to my TBR list, and so on. We're now Facebook friends too. That's one of the things I love about many of the bloggers I read - that we connect over books, but that soon the connection goes beyond books.
Brandon Sanderson (author) - from the United States - Brandon writes Fantasy novels for adults and also a series for middle grade kids. I know of him through his work on The Wheel of Time (see the Wheel of Time blurb on my left sidebar for details) but his independent work is very good. He blogs about the writing process, progress on his various books, fan interaction opportunities, and more. He is very open about his work and that's why I love his blog so much.
These aren't the only blogs that I read regularly but they are ones that I truly enjoy. I hope you go check them out and consider adding them to your regular blog stops too.
Thanks Heather!! I enjoy your blog too and I'm so happy that your were short-listed!
Thank you so much, Heather! I had a very rocky summer with some big ups and downs, that's why I haven't been blogging lately. But I have a ton of half-finished reviews and a few other posts I started but never finished. Things are back to being good again and the only problem now is time. I'm itching to start again. Your words are an encouragement, really.
Ti - Thanks! Your blog is one of those where I read every post - I'm so glad to have found it. :)
Myrthe - I noticed you weren't around much lately, but I figured you'd be back. I'm glad things are on an upswing for you now. Your blog deserves more attention for sure - you're reviews are thought-provoking and always cover books I'd never heard of before.
More discoveries. Here is mine
Ti's been getting some major love today, and she definitely deserves it!
Thanks for the mention! We must have very similar tastes in books because your blog is one of blogs the most responsible for my ever-growing TBR. :)
I'm going to go check out the Armenian blog, and Brandon Sanderson's blog now.
Jen - Yes, Ti definitely deserves it. And I've been seeing YOUR blog spotlighted in a variety of places as well - deservedly so!
Alyce - Hmm, I think we're each enabling the other. ~LOL~
A nice tribute to some special bloggers! I have Alyce and Ti on my regular reading list (along with a lot of the books they recommend!); I'll check out your other two spotlight picks.
Enjoy BBAW!
I already read some of these great blogs...but I am going to check out the others you've mentioned
I will definitely be checking out The Armenian Odar Reads. Thanks for the link.
I love reading through all these lists. Such fun! You've got a couple of my favorites here. :-)
Dawn, Serena, bermuda, and Literary: I do hope you check out the few you aren't familiar with - they are definitely worth reading!
I subscribe to all four of those blogs! Agree that I would love to see Myrthe post more often. *hint hint*
Hint taken, Natasha! :-) Don't worry, I'll be back soon. At the moment, I'm hardly reading, let alone writing.
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