Welcome to all the visitors from the Baltimore Book Festival!

This intro post will be up all week to help new visitors get acquainted with my blog. If you are looking for new posts this week, simply scroll down past this one and continue reading.

This intro post will be up all week to help new visitors get acquainted with my blog. If you are looking for new posts this week, simply scroll down past this one and continue reading.
*** About Me ***
For those new around here, I'm Heather J. and this is my blog. I'm a wife and a mom, a part-time sales/marketing coordinator, and a book blog addict. I also run a book club in the greater Baltimore/Annapolis area called Storie delle Sorelle, and I do my best to promote book clubs in any way I can. Of course, if you met me during "The Book Club Toolkit" panel then you probably already know that. :)
If you have any questions or need to contact me please feel free - I'd love to chat with you. To get my email address from my profile, click here then right click on "Email" to copy my address.
*** What You'll Find Here ***
Most of my posts are book/audio book reviews of historical fiction, fantasy, nonfiction, etc. (you won't find much young adult or romance here, sorry). Sometimes you'll find author guest posts/interviews and contests. In addition, I have a Mom & Son Book Club with my 7 year old son, Kiddo; we do joint posts from time to time.
The next week will be a bit out of the ordinary around here. Kiddo has surgery scheduled for 9/29 so I'll be doing more personal updates than usual and less book reviews. However I do hope you will stick around - I promise to get back to "normal" soon.
*** For Those New To Blogs ***
I realize that not everyone is used to reading blogs. If this is a new experience for you, I'm so glad you're giving it a try! The basic idea is that I write book reviews, etc. and you read them and (hopefully) comment on them. If you think of a question or comment as you're reading, hold that thought until you get to the end of the post (article). There you will see a line that says something like this: "posted by Heather J. at 10:15am. 2 comments." Click on the word "comments" and a new screen will open. Scroll to the bottom of that screen and you'll see a place to write in your comment/question. When you finish writing click the "Publish Your Comment" button, and you're all done! I respond to all comments so be sure to check back if you are looking for my answer.
If you have any questions or need to get in touch with me, please use the contact info provided in my profile or leave a comment on any post asking me to contact you.
*** Upcoming/Ongoing Stuff ***
- Every month you can read about my book club's current read at blog at ReadingGroupGuides.com.
- This month I'm hosting a read-a-long of CRANFORD, by Elizabeth Gaskell - all are welcome to join, even though the month is almost over (it's a really short book).
- In October I'm co-hosting a Dueling Monsters read-a-long - you can read either FRANKENSTEIN or DRACULA. Details on that will be posted here on 10/1/09.
- From November '09 through February '10 I'll be co-hosting the Really Old Classics Challenge. Details will be posted both here and at that blog in late October.
- Once ABC TV's show LOST starts it's final season, you'll find me doing episode recaps for the LOST Books Challenge at that blog.
Thank you for visiting today - I hope you come again soon!
Thanks for posting this! The Southern Festival of Books is Oct 9-11 here in Nashville and I'm planning on attending and passing out contact cards for my blog. I never would have thought of doing this if I hadn't seen your post. I hope you don't mind if I use yours as a guideline. I promise I won't copy it word for word or use the same pic!
Let me know if you get any visitors from your festival. I can't wait for ours!
thetruebookaddict - Of course I don't mind! I hope my post was some help to you. :) I know that I've had some new visitors from the Festival but no one has left a comment so I can't tell how many there have been. I'll be posting videos and recaps from the Festival as soon as I can - it was so much fun!
I hope you have a great time at your local Festival!!!
Hi Heather!
I sat in your panel discussion at the Baltimore Book Festival - and it was great! I am so glad I got to sneak away from my husband and toddler for a few minutes and check out what you and your panelists had to say.
Your panel inspired me to start looking again for a book club (or possibly start one.) And I love what I just read on your blog about your book club for moms and sons! Awesome!
Thanks for a great panel last Saturday.
Kathleen - Thanks so much for commenting here! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the panel. I'll have video from it posted later this week. :)
I'm happy to help you find a club or start your own - feel free to email me with any questions any time!
Hi! I saw your page from the BEA post on 'Hey Lady' (http://heylady.net/2010/02/04/all-about-bea-blog-tour-for-book-blogger-convention/). This is a great idea and I hope you don't mind me using yours as an example to create my own. I won't copy word for word, you just did such a great job, I'd like to use it as a rough template. Thanks again!
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