by John & Jean Silverwood
audiobook: 7.5 hours
*** About the Book ***
This is the true story of a family living on their boat for a year and the accident that sank that boat.
*** Why I Listened To It ***
Work has been slow and I really wanted something listen to during the day. I browsed my library's downloadable audio website and found it there.
*** My Thoughts ***
I can't give a very thorough review of this book because I only half listened to it as I worked. That said, I did really enjoy it. The first two thirds of the book are told from Jean's (wife/mom) point of view. She explains how the family ended up living on their boat for a year, the places they visited, the problems they had, and, of course, the accident that sank their boat. The final third of the book is told by John (husband/dad). He focuses on his injury during the accident, the history of other wrecks on that same reef, and how the family is doing now.
When I started listening to this book I was struck my how familiar parts of the story sounded. That's when I realized that I'd heard about this family before. Check out this 4 minute video that was released earlier this year (if you're in a hurry you can scroll to time marker 2:06, but the beginning is good too).
Pretty cool, huh? (And that Boy Scout Adventure Base is traveling around the country right now in case you'd like to check it out. Details can be found here.)
If you're interested, you can read more about the Silverwoods in this article.
UPDATE: I forgot to mention that there are lots of quotes and references from Moby Dick in this book. They were well placed and added a lot to the book IMO. (My review of Moby Dick is here.)
*** Your Thoughts ***
Have you heard of this family before? Have you read the book? If you've reviewed it please share your link in the comments.
Does the idea of a year living on a boat appeal to you? I have to say that is does not appeal to me. Not only am I claustrophobic, I also get creeped out by large open spaces with nothing in sight (I know there is a name for that but I don't know what it is). I've always wanted to take a cruise, but I'm afraid that looking out over the railing and seeing nothing but ocean would send me back to my cabin for the rest of the trip. My idea of a great year would be traveling the country in an RV. There are so many place to see and things to do! That is Hubby's and my retirement dream.
A year of living on a boat doesn't appeal to me. I'm too fond of hot and cold running water, heat and air conditioning, etc.
Ah, you'd love a cruise! The wide open sea is beautiful! And because the boats are so big, you don't really feel like a little floating speck!
But, I agree, travelling the country with an RV does sound like a blast. I would love it.
I've never heard of this family or their adventures before. I also have no desire to live on a boat. Thanks for the review.
Honestly have not heard of this one before although the story does sound interesting. The very reason of half-listening is why I don't really do audiobooks. It's too convenient to listen while doing other things and I miss out on some of the details...sometimes the actual story! Glad you at least (half) enjoyed this one....happy reading!
bermudaonion - Oh me too!
Suey - That's what I've heard. I'm sure I'll try it one day, but only for a short trip - definitely not a year. :)
Serena - Thanks for chiming in!
GMR - I have places that I can listen with my full attention (the car, and others) and places that I cannot (work especially). If I have a book that I really want to hear, I make sure to listen to it in the correct place. I'll most often do reread/relistens at work - I already know the story and it isn't a big deal if I don't give it my full attention.
Sounds like a story I'd like to read/listen to ... But, no thank you to living on a boat (or even an RV) for an extended period!
The book sounds interesting to me - I haven't heard of the family. I wouldn't want to live on a boat though. I have a fear of water (especially when I can't see the bottom). So I'm a fan of swimming pools and shallow rivers, etc. :)
I love wide open places though. I grew up in a hilly area and some days it seemed like the sun barely touched our house in the valley between the two steep hills. I like where we're at now - a big flat valley will mountains/foothills on the horizon.
Dawn - The book was really interesting, but then again a year of travel DOES appeal to me. :)
Alyce - Ooh, I know what you mean about deep water. If it where a pool that was extremely deep I'd be ok, but I don't like imagining what is swimming underneath of me in an ocean/lake/river ... *shudder*
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