by Maggie Stiefvater
368 pages
*** About the Book ***
This is the sequel to the paranormal YA novel SHIVER
*** Why I Read It ***
I read SHIVER a while back just for a change of pace. I've had the sequel, LINGER, on hold at the library since it came out a few months ago; it finally became available last week.
*** My Thoughts ***
Now about the story ... again, it was just ok. I still like the twist on werewolf mythology that the book is based on but I don't particularly love any of the characters. Grace's life is a bit more believable in this book, meaning that her parents finally start paying attention to what's going on under their own roof. And her reactions were pretty much what I'd expect from someone in her position. Sam is sweet but a bit too passive for my tastes. I did like the new dimension that Cole brought into the book, especially as the story played out. Isabel is perhaps my favorite character, simply because she seems to be the most complex.
If there are more books in the series (does anyone know the author's plans on this?) I'll read them, but I won't be rushing to get them as soon as they're available.
*** Your Thoughts ***
For not really liking YA, I've been on a bit of a YA kick lately. Here's what I've read relatively recently: the Twilight books, The Hunger Games (book 1), Shiver, and Linger. I still want to check out GRACELING
oh sad. I love these books. :P Yes there is one more book, Forever, due out next year.
Amy - I'll definitely read that one, just to get closure on the series. Hopefully I'll be more drawn into the story in that one.
As much as I loved The Hunger Games, I have to say that Graceling is my favorite of the two (I haven't read the Twilight books). I have a feeling you will probably really like Graceling because it is fantasy.
I like these books but don't love them. I love the premise and I think so much more could be done in terms of the townsfolk and the wolves, for example. I will definitely be reading the last one.
Looks like there is a follow up to Linger, planning to publish in 2011. It's call Forever, here's some info on it:
I haven't gotten around to Graceling yet, but I'm very much looking forward to it. I think I might tackle it after Banned Books week, I could always use some fluffy reading in October.
I could really do without every seeing anything Twilight related every again. That would be like heaven as far as I'm concerned.
Alyce - I hadn't thought about it that way but you are probably right about Graceling - now I'm REALLY looking forward to it.
Beth - That's how I feel as well - there could be so much more to it.
Amy L. Campbell - Thanks for letting me know, I'll definitely read that one eventually.
I liked Shiver and Linger, but The Hunger Games and Twilight are my favorites. Don't make me choose between them--I love them both in different ways :)
I've been on a YA kick lately too. I haven't read Graceling but I might have to check it out.
I really love these books. I think out of the YA market they are some of the finest written. I can understand why you aren't as fond of them though :)
I haven't read Graceling, though I've heard nothing but good things about it. That and Patrick Ness' series (it's dystopian to boot). You know how I feel about The Hunger Games so I don't know that I can really give an unbiased opinion on any of it, haha
Kristen - Thanks for visiting my blog - welcome! Despite it's (many) flaws I really loved the Twilight books ... can't say any of the others have captured me in the same way. I have high hopes for Graceling though. :)
Michelle - I KNEW this would be a favorite of yours. ;) I'm sad that I didn't love it more, but you know me ... not a huge YA fan.
This is yet another series that I've had my eye on, but I haven't made the decision of whether or not to add it to the ever expanding wish list. I think I'll wait until my library has them.
Trisha - I'm a huge fan of the library myself - I get most of my (non-review) books there. But I know you are one of those "book keepers" so I'm thinking you aren't such a regular library user ... :)
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