Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to me!
Happy birthday to me-ee ...
Happy birthday to me!
I love birthdays - no stressing about getting a year older for me! It's all about enjoying whatever age I currently am and getting the most out of it. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Kiddo often tells me I'm not old at all (he has 4 grandparents and 2 great-grandparents to compare me to and I'm definitely younger than them!).
On my birthday I get to:
- go work (boo!)
- spend time with Kiddo after school (yay!)
- help run tonight's Cub Scout meeting in which Kiddo's Den puts on a funny skit for the rest of the pack (yay!)
- finally get to relax with Hubby late tonight (phew!)
- pick up my copy of Towers of Midnight
after work (squee!)
- have dinner with a group of Wheel of Time fans, only some of whom I've met before (fun!)
- join hundreds more fans at Brandon Sanderson's book signing after dinner, where I'll be steadily reading Towers of Midnight while I wait in line to get it signed (WOOHOO!)
Thanks to everyone has dropped by today to say happy birthday here, on Facebook, or on Twitter. You guys make my day!
PS. Since my blogging year goes from birthday to birthday, check back over the next few days to see which books I've picked as the best of the best from this year's reading!
Today's a great day for birthdays - my dad's turning 91. Happy birthday to you, Heather!
Happy Birthday Heather! Enjoy your day!
Happy birthday! Sounds like you have a lot of fun planned. Enjoy your special day!
Happy Birthday!!! Your tomorrow sounds fantastic, and I am awfully jealous!!!!!!
Well happy birthday Heather! I didn't see that it was your birthday on FB which makes me wonder if perhaps we haven't managed to find each other on there...so I just went and looked, and we have not! So I'm sending you a friend request now. :D
A very happy birthday to you, Heather! Glad to hear that you've got so much fun planned for tomorrow. I say that birthdays can be celebrated any day!
Happy Birthday! I love your attitude about getting a year older; that's awesome! Have a wonderful time watching the skit and doing all the fun book-related things tomorrow
Like the saying goes, you're not one year older, you're one year wiser :D Happy B-Day!
Happy Birthday!! Have a fabulous night!!
Happy Birthday, Heather! Sounds like you have quite the exciting day planned! Enjoy!
Have a great one! And enjoy all the Wheel of Time festivities! I'll be having my own birthday celebrations next week...but I haven't decided what to do yet....
Happy Birthday, Heather! Even though you have to work, I hope you have an excellent day! Personally I always thought we should get the day off work on our birthdays without having to use vacation, but ha! ;)
Have a great one!
Happy Birthday! Sounds like lots of fun for everyone! I'm so glad you decided to keep blogging past Age 30! :) So, happy bloggiversary too, right?
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day today, and fabulous time tomorrow night with all the WoT fun.
Yay! Happy b-day. I hope it's a fantastic one filled with people you love, good food and drinks and a few lovely presents.
Aww...HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *throws confetti* Enjoy your day....have a blast...and some cake too. ^_^
Happy birthday! Enjoy your day, and spend it knowing that I'm SO INSANELY JEALOUS about the Brandon Sanderson book signing tonight!!!! Have a blast. :)
Have a very Happy Birthday, Heather! Sounds like you're going to have some good times! :)
Happy Birthday! And there should be a law against working on your birthday!
Happy Birthday! Your plans (especially for tomorrow) sound like a lot of fun!
Happy birthday. Have fun!
Happy birthday! And have a great day tomorrow - your night (and Hubby and Kiddo's night) sounds like a ton of fun.
Happy Birthday! It sounds like tomorrow is going to be great!
Happy birthday and happy blog birthday too!
I hope your Birthday was everything you wanted it to be. Happy Belated, by 14 mintues, Bithday!!!!
happy birthday!
You sound like you enjoy your birthday as much as I enjoy mine! I hope you had a happy one, and remember, your birthday most definitely extends through an entire weekend...
Happy belated birthday! Hope it was as awesome as you suspected. :)
Thanks to all for the wonderful birthday wishes!!!
I'm a bit but Happy Birthday! Hope your celebration was as much as fun you expected.
See what you miss when you go out of town? Happy birthday -- just a bit late.
As usual I'm late to the game!
Happy belated birthday :)
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