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Saturday, July 9, 2011

another DNF

The GendarmeI've been trying to listen to the audio of THE GENDARME by Mark Mustian for weeks now. I was SO excited when this came out - it looked like exactly the kind of book I most enjoy. I picked it up from the library a few weeks ago, popped in the first CD, and ... just about fell asleep. I made it through one CD then took a few weeks break to listen to other books, thinking that maybe the timing was off for this particular book. I popped in the second CD today and nothing has changed. I love the premise of the book but it is just boring me to death. I am officially calling it quits on this one.


bermudaonion said...

I struggled with the book in print, so I can understand why you didn't finish this one.

Trish said...

Oh dear. I was kind of looking forward to this one.

Kailana said...

That's disappointing!

Megan said...

Bummer. I read this one and liked it quite a bit!

Alyce said...

You're making me feel so much better about not reading this one. I got it from the library and it sat on my coffee table, then I ran out of time and had to turn it in. It does have an awesome cover though.

Kathleen said...

Life is just too short to keep reading a book that you are not enjoying. Glad you DNF!

Marie Cloutier said...

It happens! I just decided to give up on the second science fiction book I tried to read this month. Eh!

ImageNations said...

Some books are not meant to be though I try to complete every book I begin.

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

I was disappointed with the book as well. It sounded like something I should have loved.

I've given up on two books recently. It's very rare for me to do that and now it's happened twice in about 6 weeks! "Life's too short to read bad books."

Marg said...

Oh, that's a shame. I have this book sitting on my shelf somewhere to read eventually.

Unknown said...

I have this book on my list but I think I'll move it down the list & put a note next to it.I tend to think that the audio version of books help liven the books up a bit because you're hearing a real person's voice so a boring audio book is very depressing sorry this didn't work out...

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

That stinks. the cover is alluring.

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