Today is Hubby's birthday - Happy Birthday honey! And the big present for all of us is that Kiddo gets to start eating eggs again today. WOOHOO! This may not be a permanent thing (we'll find out after the next endoscopy in March) but we're hopeful. :)
Here are the books I've added to my TBR list recently ...
Cold, by Bill Streever - found at
Things Mean A Lot - Here's what she had to say: "is one of the most interesting non-fiction books I have ever read, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to explain why properly. I'm not even sure how to classify it: it's a science book, yes. But it's also a natural history; a social history of Arctic exploration; a book about our relationship not only with cold weather and cold places but with our
idea of them; an environmental plea; and a personal account of one man's passion for cold and all the natural wonders that surround it." If you are a regular reader of mine then you know I have a fascination with the cold places on Earth - this sounds like the perfect book for me.
Alice I Have Been, by Melanie Benjamin - found at
S. Krishna's Books - This book is being reviewed everywhere lately but it really isn't something that I'd pick up to read by choice. It is the story of the real girl who inspired the Alice in Wonderland stories. In her review Swapna says: "I also appreciated how closely Melanie Benjamin stuck to Alice Liddell’s real history in
Alice I Have Been. Though this isn’t exactly a historical novel, she has a long Author’s Note at the back of the book in which she explains what is fact, what is fiction, and what parts of the book blur the lines between the two. It’s very gratifying that Benjamin chose to stick that close to true events; it’s clear that she undertook a lot of research before embarking on the journey that was
Alice I Have Been." That right there clinched it for me - I'm a sucker for "mostly true" historical fiction with great author's notes.
Mary Reilly, by Valerie Martin - found at
Books On The Nightstand - This is the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde story retold through the eyes of a household maid. If you listen to the BOTN podcast (linked above) you'll hear all about it in Segment 2 of the show. I love retellings like this! I'm hoping to read the original and this book around Halloween this year.
That's all for me this week. Be sure to drop in at
Should Be Reading for more Friday Finds.
You found great books!
Here is my Friday Find: Skin by Mo Hayder
I'm eager to read "Alice I have been" too!!
Happy Birthday, Hubby and yay for eggs today! Great finds, too - Alice I Have Been looks wonderful!
I really want Alice I Have Been as well. My find is at The Crowded Leaf.
Mary Reilly is an excellent book! I look forward to your take on it.
"Alice I Have Been" is on my list of books I want to read, and "Mary Reilly" looks really good, too!
Yay! So glad that Kiddo gets to eat eggs again. I hope that goes well!
I haven't seen "Cold" before, but it looks like a good one.
I love the cover of Cold. Like everyone else I have my eye on Alice, I have Been.
I just finished Alice I Have was interesting
I want to read ALIVE I HAVE BEEN, too. I put it on hold at the library.
Gautami - Thanks!
Aths, bermudaonion, Alayne - This book seems to be getting everyone attention this week!
thetruebookaddict - I'm so glad to hear it - now I REALLY want to read it.
lisa-marie - I'm excited about both of them.
Alyce - Thanks, so do I. :)
Cat - I find the cover of COLD really appealing as well.
purplg8r - So ... is that interesting "good" or interesting "bad"?
Kailana - I'll be watching for your review!
Hooray for Kiddo and eggs.
I always meant to team up Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Mary Reilly and have a good read, but have never gotten around to it. Maybe Halloween, like you suggested.
Bybee - It DOES sound like a great pairing, doesn't it?!
cold caught my eye too. But I think I have to wait until it's a little warmer because I read it or I'll freeze. lol
Rebecca - Oh I LOVE reading books like that in the weather that matches them - it enhanced the read for me!
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