Shanghai Girls
by Lisa See
336 pages
by Lisa See
336 pages
*** About the Book ***

*** Why I Read It ***

*** My Thoughts ***
This is a really good book! I'll have to agree with the crowd - Lisa See can write a heck of a good story. I read this over 2 days while I was down with strep throat (yuck); I was so invested in the story that I didn't want to put it down.
There are a lot of things I enjoyed about this book so I think a list will work best here.
- Sisters - The relationship between Pearl and May is one that anyone with a sister can relate to. It is THE biggest strength of the book. Their tremendous love and concern for each other, wrapped around jealousy and misunderstanding, all tied with more strings of attachment than you can count ... all I can say is WOW ... how true it is. (In case my sister is reading this, love you 'Cole!)
- Characters - The main characters in this story are fully developed and dynamic. The secondary characters are not as developed but they are not flat either. I loved watching how the characters' relationships changed over time as their perspectives on each other - and on life in general - changed.
- History in China - I know very little about Chinese history in any era so I really enjoyed the history lessons I got from this book. The descriptions of life in Shanghai during this time period were complete revelations to me - I had no idea about any of this stuff.
- History in the US - Because I'm an East Coast gal I'm naturally more familiar with the history that happened on my side of the US. I know a bit about San Fransisco, Angel Island, and Chinatown, but only just a little (ask me about Ellis Island and I can give you quite a history!). This book was truly an education for me, and I loved learning as I read.
*** Your Thoughts ***
Are you already a Lisa See fan? If so, which of her books is your favorite? If not, is she one of those authors you've been meaning to try out? Does SHANGHAI GIRLS appeal to you?
Here are a few others reviews you might want to check out:
*** Giveaway ***
Thanks to the publisher I have a copy of this book for one lucky blog reader in the US or Canada. Here's how to enter:
- Leave a comment telling me why this book appeals to you.
- Be sure to leave your email address or have it easily accessible through your profile.
- You must have a US or Canadian mailing address to win (sorry, this is the publisher's requirement).
- If you win you must reply to my email notification within 24 hours or I will choose another winner.
- The winner will be drawn on Friday morning (01/29/10) so enter now!
I recently read Snow Flower and fell in love with See's writing. I can't wait to read another one! Thanks for the giveaway.
I have this book on my wish list, and would just love to it.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
Several reasons why this book appeals to me: 1.its beautiful cover, 2.loved Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, nephew lives in Shanghai. Thanks for the giveaway.
This book appeals to me because I am interested in China (also because my daughter was born there--adopted)
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
If Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is any indication, I know I would love this one too! (No email here since you already have it.)
I also read Snow Flower and the Secret Fan recently, and it was really good. I like Ms. See's writing style.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
Lisa See's Snow Flower and the Secret Fan still haunts me. It was a beautiful, brave book. Like great historical fiction, through story, it taught me so much about a time and culture I didn't know.
Great review!
No need to enter me in the giveaway. Loved this book!
For this to keep your interest while you were battling strep throat really says something. I'm glad you're better and glad you enjoyed the book! No need to enter me.
This book appeals to me because I've been intrigued with Shanghai ever since I was a young girl. I got very excited when I heard about this book. Please enter my name in your draw. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi! I would lover to win this book! It appeals to me because I set a New Year's Resolution to read 50 books this year, and I want the list to be diverse. Please enter me in your contest:
crtaylor at spartans dot manchester dot edu
The story sounds great! I would love to win + read it!
I really need to read this book. I have owned it since it came out, but haven't got around to reading it yet.
want to read this one because I have 2 sisters :)
email is cytljjb @ gmail . com
btw - love your review format!
Like everybody else, I just loved Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and I am curious about Lisa's latest work.
Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
misfitsalon [at] gmail [dot] com
I thought I was the only person left that hadn't read any Lisa See. Seems like this is the one to get started with! I love books about sisters--always trying to figure out my relationship with my sister!
Alexa Nernberg
Hi, I have not read anything by Lisa See before, but you have piqued my interest with your write-up. I would love to read this book. Please enter my name in your giveaway. Thanks very much.
First, the cover is incredible. That alone would force me to stop in the book store & pick it up. And the story sounds great. Love books about other cultures. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway
I've heard nothing but good things about this book not to mention the cover is beautiful. I'd love to read it myself.
I have always been interested in how a childs sign and/or cast (China, India, etc) can have such a large impact on the rest of their lives. I would love to read more about it :) Thank you for running this great contest!
teagirl1 at telus dot net
I've always loved to read books about life in China, especially a woman's. I've read both Snow Flower and Peony, and I love them!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
This is the only Lisa See book that I've read so far, and I really enjoyed it. The relationship between the sisters does make the book. I also loved how the author shows how the sisters experience the same events and interpret them so differently.
No need to enter me. :)
This sounds like a great read. I wonder if Japan looked at a map before they decided to invade China- that is a bold move!
No need to enter me-I'll pay for it at my library one of these days! LOL.
I love Snow Flower and the Secret Fan and I'd love to read this one as well. I've heard great things! Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I haven't read any of See's books yet but the reviews of Shanghai Girls have been great!
Glad that you enjoyed this! I am definitely looking forward to reading this some time. I'd like to take part in the giveaway.
readingonarainyday AT gmail DOT com
Hi Heather! Great review. I've loved all the Lisa See books I've read but my favorite remains the first one I read, Snow Flower.
I'm sorry to hear you had strep throat! That recently whipped through our house but thankfully I didn't catch it.
Thank you so much for all the time spent reading and reviewing Shanghai Girls. It is very much appreciated!
because it looks like a fascinating read thanks minsthins at otonline dot net
i love books based in chinese culture.
Yes please, I've actually been ignoring it--I didn't think it would be something I would be interested in--but I loved your review--it made me want to read it!! Thanks for the opportunity to discover a fabulous writer.
I really enjoyed snow Flower and the Secret Fan and would like to read this one as well. thanks for the chance.
Actually, your review interested me in reading this book. The story really interests me, and the history is a bonus.
Thanks so much for hosting this fabulous giveaway - I would be SO thrilled to win! This book really appeals to me because I just loved Memoirs of a Geisha.
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
this book is on my wishlist, it would be great to win!
I'm interested because I love stories that take place in the 30s & 40s. I'm also pretty unfamiliar with a lot of Chinese culture, and I'd love a glimpse into it.
krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com
Love reading about other cultures and sisterhood around the world.
Thanks for the generous giveaway. This book sounds great and Lisa See's others (Snow Flower for example) also sound like wonderful reads. One of the reasons why I want to read this one is because my mother is Chinese, emigrated to the US a few decades after the characters in Shanghai Girls. Comparing the experiences will be very interesting.
I'd love to read this - I'm very interested in China and Asian history and cultures and I've never had a sister of my own!
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