Dear Mr. Leonsis,
Back in November you had us out to the Verizon Center to watch the Caps game in the owners box. It meant so much to Hubby and I that you spent time talking to Kiddo about his allergies and his feeding tube; you treated him as we do, like he is a very important person. Then you took Kiddo to the locker room to meet the guys. As I told you then, this was an absolute dream come true for him. In fact, he wants to wear his signed jersey just about every day. I already sent you some photos from that night but here is a link to all of them so you can see how much fun Kiddo (and Hubby and I) really had:
At that game you told us not to be shy in asking for tickets to future games for Kiddo. When Kiddo was due for another surgery in December I took you up on that offer. Hubby and I wanted to give him a really fun night to help him think positively about the surgery. This time you sent us four tickets for some incredible seats not too far off the ice. We had a BLAST!
The Caps were down at first but they came back strong and won it in overtime. The cheering from the boys (and from us) was deafening.
Four days later we headed up to the hospital. Although we were concerned about the possibility that Kiddo would wake up in a lot of pain, he had a great attitude before surgery. In fact, he was quite silly in the pre-op room.
After a while they took him back for the procedure and we headed off to wait. The plan was to remove that long tube that you saw him with and to put in a new "button" type tube that is the size of Kiddo's thumb. Kiddo was nervous about this change but we knew it was for the best. While they were inside of him they were also planning to take biopsies (as they do during every endoscopy) to see if his esophagus has healed any since the feeding tube was put in.
I'm very glad to say that the surgery went as planned, no problems. Kiddo woke up in a small amount of pain but nothing over the top. That night he helped us decorate the Christmas tree and even put the star on the top. The next day he wanted to go to his power hockey lesson; he was in pain, but he skated through it. Within the week he was just about back to himself.
Here are pictures of Kiddo with the old tube and the new tube so you can see the huge difference.
The night before the surgery:
We'll get the biopsy results on January 4. We're praying that there will be good news, but whatever happens, we'll be ok.
I can't thank you enough for the interest you've taken in Kiddo, and for the tickets to the game. You are an inspiration to us and we wish that there were more people in the world like you. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU.
Heather J, Hubby, and especially Kiddo
PS. Happy New Year to you, your family, and the team. We'll be spending the day with X's family watching the Winter Classic together. :)
(For other Kiddo-related posts, click here.)
Kiddo is just about the bravest kid I know. He always inspires me. I'm praying for good news next week. Happy New Year to you and your family.
What a heartwarming story to begin the New Year with! That's so wonderful about how kind Mr. Leonis was to you and your family. All the best for the happiest and healthiest of New Years.
I'm so pleased to hear news of your Kiddo. Will continue to keep all of you in my prayers.
What a nice man. Shows there are some heroes left in this world (and I count your Kiddo among them and his mom and dad!).
What a wonderful post, Heather. I'm so glad you shared this with us. Your son is so brave. I am glad the surgery went went well. And what a nice thing for Mr. Leonis to do! You are all in my prayers.
Thanks for letting us eavesdrop on your thank-you note to Mr. Leonsis, Heather, and for sharing the photos and health update with all of us.
All the best to you and your family in the New Year!
I'm so glad Kiddo is doing well and I'm praying for you all for the results of the biopsy. Hooray for Mr. Leonis!
I'm so glad to hear that Kiddo is doing well and that he and you and your husband were able to have this wonderful experience to get you through.
Happy New Year!
Great post; you guys had so much fun! What a great connection for kiddo to have in the ice hockey world!
What a wonderfully generous man!
Yay for kiddo doing well. It continually amazes me how resiliant he is and what a positive attitude he has. Every picture is of him with a giant smile on his face and beaming. Kudos to you and your family.
Wishing you all the best in the coming year. I'm going to start planning that DC/MD/VA blogger meet up in the next week.
Thank you for sharing this letter and update with us. How wonderful that your son got to have so much fun at the hockey games!
I'm very glad to hear that everything is going well with his new feeding tube, and hope to hear good news about his biopsy results.
You must be so proud of him and how well he handles everything!
The difference is amazing. All my good thoughts and admiration go our to Kiddo and your whole family for the new year.
This post brought tears to my eyes. Your son is such an inspiration.
What a wonderful man! And a wonderful Kiddo, too!
Happy New Year to you all!
Glad to hear Kiddo is doing well. Wishing you and your family all the best in 2010.
Diary of an Eccentric
Your son is so inspiring! I know you are very proud of him. Such a sweetie...I'm so glad things went well!
Happy New Year to you all...I am hoping that you will receive good news!
Kiddo looks great! So glad to hear he's doing well with the new tube. :)
What a fantastic person Ted Leonsis is! I'm sure he's inspiring to everyone he knows!
wow, I know I've said it many times, but your kid is very brave and cheerful. Touch Wood. Hope he keeps on making progress.
A very happy new year to you and your family...
This just brings tears to my eyes, Heather. You are pretty wonderful yourself, you know. Your appreciation is a rare gift. It's clear that your boy had gotten your upbeat nature, your kind view of people and the world, and your faith and hope. I remember a phrase from church when I was little - something about 'may he go from strength to strength'
What a nice man! And what an inspiration Kiddo is!
Looks like the game was a ton of fun!
Kiddo is amazing. I'm glad everything went well, and praying for good news on the 4th.
Happy New Year!
That's really awesome! I'm so glad that Kiddo is doing well with all his surgeries, and that's cool that he's got a fan like Mr. Leonsis!
*** Thank you to all for your wonderfully kind and encouraging comments. We head to the doctor for Kiddo's follow up tomorrow morning - I'll be sure to post the results here asap. ***
What a wonderful post. I am so glad that Kiddo is doing well. He's such a trooper!
Kiddo is such a brave kid!
Freedom Debt Relief Scam
Wonderful post and update on how things are going. You are in my prayers. Have a great start to your New year!
Kiddo simply rocks. The next time I need surgery I hope I am as brave as he has been. The new button has got to be so much easier. Do give us an update on how he continues to do. Hugs!
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