Aah, the end of March ... that means Spring is ALMOST here! I had a pretty good month on the book front ...
Books - 5 (2,036 pages)
- The Wives of Henry Oades – sparked great conversation between Hubby and I
- The Help – was a great choice for book club
- The Sparrow – this is a MUST READ book for everyone – seriously!
- Silver: My Tale as Written by Me With a Goodly Amount of Murder – Long John Silver seen in a whole new way
- Black Hills – I’m very conflicted about this book …
Audio Books - 6 (56.1 hours)
- Kindred – highly, highly recommended
- Treasure Island – revisiting an old favorite
- Black Wave: A Family’s Adventure at Sea and the Disaster That Saved Them – an inspiring true story
- Crocodile on the Sandbank – a fun romp in Victorian era Egypt
- A Darker Place – fictional account of infiltrating a suspected cult
- Outliers: The Story of Success – absolutely FASCINATING look at what makes people succeed
Other Stuff
- THE SPARROW Read-A-Long ended this month and I’m thrilled with the result. From the comments on my review it seems we’ve convinced even more people to read this amazing book- YAY!
- I shared with you why THE POISONWOOD BIBLE is one of the few books I recommend everyone to read. I should mention that THE SPARROW is the other book I continually recommend.
- If you are a LOST fan, I hope you’re following along with my episode recaps each week on the LOST Books Challenge blog. There are just a few episodes left until (as my husband says with heaps of sarcasm) "Don't tell me. They get FOUND." ~LOL~
- We got some GREAT news on Kiddo's health issues - lots of celebrating going on around here.
That was my month - how was yours?
You had a terrific March Heather. I also loved The Help.
What a productive moth you had there! I can't believe you managed to listen to 6 audio books. That's awesome.
I am SOOOO happy to see you loved The Sparrow. I read it last September and have been recommending it to everyone! Isn't it just AMAZING???
I also just read Thread of Grace by the same author. Still good...not AS good. But worth checking out sometime.
Diane - Thanks! My book club had a great time discussing THE HELP.
lilly - Yeah, I'm still pretty in shock about those 6 audio books myself ...
Shelbi - Always glad to find another SPARROW fan! And I did read THREAD OF GRACE - you're right, it was really good, but not quite up to this book. I'm hoping to get to her WWI-era book sometime this year.
I've been trying to avoid your Sparrow talk because I've supposedly got a copy winging its way to me sometime soonish, but you're making me really antsy!
Black Wave looks so good, as does Outliers! Congrats on all of the reading you got done in March!
Jen - I'm SO excited that you're going to read this book! Can't wait to see what you think of it.
Alyce - I KNEW those books would appeal to you. :)
I love the one-liners you list in your monthly recaps :)
So happy to know that you have GREAT news on Kiddo's health - he's such a trooper!
Dawn - I'm glad you enjoy my one-liners! And Kiddo IS doing great - I'm so thrilled. :)
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