Ambassador of Books ~ Book Club Madam ~ Blogger Gal

Monday, November 15, 2010

anyone up for Dune?

I plan to make 2011 the year of the re-read and take time to revisit books I've loved in the past.  The first one I want to pick up is Frank Herbert's Dune.  I've read it at least twice before but it has to be more than 10 years since I last picked it up.  Would anyone like to join me for either a first time read or a re-read of this science fiction classic?  If you are interested, let me know if January or February is better for you.


Amanda said...

Heheh, Jason's been trying to get me to read that forever...I think I'll tell him about the readalong!

Shelley said...

I can't commit, but if it works out I would love to read along. I have been wanting to reread Dune, and then go on with the series.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Amanda - Too funny! It is one of those books that has really stayed with me over the years - I can remember certain parts VERY clearly - and I'm hoping that it will live up to my memory of it.

Shelley - I enjoyed the original series but really loved the first book. I hope you can join me to revisit it. :)

Yvette said...

That picture is just TOO hilarious - it made my day. :)

Not sure if I want to read this or not. Have to think about it.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Yvette - I know, right?! I just HAD to include that picture. :)

Ryan said...

Me, Me, Me, Me....and I don't care when. I can never have too many excuses to read this book, which is one of my favorites.

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Dune! I've heard great things about that one. Not sure about a readalong of it, though. I do love your idea of the year of the re-read and hope to do much of the same.

ibeeeg said...

I would like to read this book with you. January or February...either is okay.

This will be first read of this book.
I must warn you though, I am not the best with read-alongs. I do indeed read, but my commenting is always lacking a bit.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Ryan - Great! I'll let you know what I decide on timing.

Trish - Well, stay tuned for details anyway - it might work out for you. :)

ibeeg - My version of a read-a-long is VERY low key. I usually put up a starting post, a mid-way post, and a concluding post. I can't handle weekly reading/posting assignment - it makes reading un-fun for me. Hopefully my read-a-long style will work for you! :)

Melissa (Avid Reader) said...

I love the pic too! I've been wanting to read this for such a long time, I'd love to read it next year. Maybe February would be better. I'd love a month to try to figure out what I'm reading for the year and recover form the holidays before I commit to a read-along. I'm glad to hear your's are low-key though. I don't really like the weekly updates that last for 2 months.

Unknown said...

It's more years that I care to think about since I last read this one...

Could definitely be up for a re-read, in the new year!

Unknown said...

Oh, and loving Dunecat! ;)

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I'm totally in! I've been wanting to read it for a long time. I actually started it several years back, but put it down for some reason (not because I didn't like it). February would actually be better for me, but if you decide on January, I'll try to fit it in. Too fun!

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Avid Reader - Great! It's sounding like Feb is a good month for most people ...

Darren - YAY! Always glad to find fellow Dune fans. :) And I'm glad you liked the Dunecat!

Michelle - Perfect - I'm almost certain it will be Feb.

Tash said...

Confession: I've never read Dune, so probably a good idea for me to participate. I've always wanted to read it. :D

Keshalyi said...

I do love this book, I'd be glad to read along with you guys! :)

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

Ms Ulat Buku - Ooh, a first timer! Glad to have you. :)

Jason - Too bad you couldn't convince Amanda, but I'm glad to have you on your own anyway!

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