As I do every Friday, I'm sharing with you the list of books that "somehow" made their way onto my TBR list this week ... and boy, did I come across some good ones!
My List:
- Doreen, by Barbara Noble - the story of what happened to the children of the Blitz, the German attack on London during WWII, when they were sent off to live with other families "for the duration" ... and what happened AFTER the war was over. I heard about it here.
- Picking Cotton, by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino and Ronald Cotton - Booking Mama posted the video below on her blog and it stopped me in my tracks. You simply MUST watch this - it is incredible. It's less than three minutes long, so I do hope you take those few minutes to watch it.
- A Short History of Tractors in Ukranian, by Marina Lewycka - I've heard of this book for a long time but Trish's review finally convinced me that I had to read it.
- Silk, by Alessandro Barrico - this short book, review by Hey Lady!, tells the story of a silk merchant's journey to Japan and the woman he discovers there
- I Have Never Forgotten You: The Life and Legacy of Simon Wiesenthal - the review of this true story about the effects of WWII says:
This was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. Sorrow was not only a daily companion, but an essential part of the man he became. He made room for it in his life; he didn't try to deny its existence or keep it locked up in the cellar of his soul. His eyes welled up often. He was a grief-carrier, and the grace with which he carried his grief is truly a thing of beauty. He was warm and jovial, a joke maker and a story teller. And his smile...his smile melted my heart.If you aren't moved by that ... I don't know what to say to you.
Kiddo's TBR list has been neglected lately but this week I'm making up for it.
Kiddo's List:
- Boris Ate A Thesaurus, by Neil Steven Klayman - a book about words ... and boy, does Kiddo LOVE using new and different words - I heard about it here.
- Lighthouse Dog to the Rescue, by Angeli Perrow - the true story of a heroic dog ... Kiddo will LOVE this - I heard about it at Bookish Ruth.
- two book of old Irish stories - both reviewed at Lionden Landing - Kiddo already loves Irish music and hearing about Ireland (that's where my Gram is from) so these are perfect for him
Those are my lists for this week ... hop over to MizB's to see what everyone else found.
I added Picking Cotton to my wish list this week too.
Oh, Doreen sounds fascinating. My heart goes out to those families. I don't know if I could read it without crying hysterically
I agree with Cheryl, Doreen sounds really good.
My Friday Finds are here.
A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian is on my short list for the 1% Well Read Challenge. I have heard good things about it.
Thanks for the shout out! Picking Cotton is such an incredible story. I am still thinking about it weeks later.
I was very moved by the book trailer for Picking Cotton. Whoa.
bermudaonion & Erika Robuck - It looks to be a powerful book, that's for sure.
Cheryl & avianschild - My Gram was in her early 20s during the Blitz, so stories set in this time period really catch my attention.
Jess - I can't wait to read it!
Julie - Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention.
I don't know how you manage to add so many books to your TBR list every week without sending yourself into a panic! I start feeling anxious when I think of my list.
Picking Cotton and Doreen sound very moving. I'll have to add them to my list.
(Stop by when you have a chance. I gave you an award)
Have a great weekend!
Boris ate a Thesaurus sounds awesome!
Great finds, I'll have to check them out. I'm celebrating my 2nd blogoversary today and have an award for you on my blog.
Thank you and happy reading.
I missed Booking Mama's notes about *Picking Cotton*, so I'm glad you linked to it. Wow, powerful stuff ... thanks for spreading the word (and addding to my wish list!)
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