by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer
290 pages
*** About the Book ***
*** Why I Read It ***
I saw a post at TLC Book Tours and was intrigued by the book's description so I signed up to participate in the tour.
*** My Thoughts ***
Although this book wasn't exactly what I expected, I still enjoyed it very much. The first half of the book is devoted to William's life (and the life of his village) before the drought. He goes into great detail about the way day-to-day life progressed and explains the strong belief in magic that influenced everyone's perspective. The most powerful section in this half of the book is his description of the drought and the famine that resulted. This part of the story seemed to go on and on and on, and it helped me to see and feel how the drought continued to affect the Malawians lives even after the rain came back.
About halfway through the book William begins to build his windmill. I have to admit that I am an extremely non-technical person so much of this part went over my head. And I also have to say that I am IN AWE of William's ability to build a windmill, with mostly trash from the scrapyard, using only the basic diagram in a textbook written in English, a language he barely understood. I can't even understand simple directions from IKEA showing how to put together a shelf.
I love the fact that William wanted to use his knowledge to improve his community. After the success of his windmill he was asked to start a science club at a local school, despite the fact that he was a teenager and he'd never graduated himself. And I was thrilled to see him end up in a school for future leaders in South Africa.
It may seem that I've given away a lot of the story but really I haven't. There's still a ton to discover if you decide to read the book.
To get a better idea about William and his accomplishments, check out the video below. [If you're not already a fan of TedTalks videos, definitely make time to view some of the others - they are quick and fascinating and highly educational and inspiring.] In it he references a video he made two years earlier in which he wasn't very eloquent (actually, it was painful to watch that first video); if you're interested in checking it out you can do so here.
*** Your Thoughts ***
This book is making the rounds via TLC Book Tours this month so I know many of you have heard about it already. What do you think - is it something you'd be interested in reading?
If you'd like to see what other people think of the book check out some of the other tour stops (they are all linked on this page).
William's story definitely stuck with me after I read the book. And I'm so with you on directions - I swear that sheet of instructions is engineered to make you mess up.
I loved this book and am so impressed with William. We need to celebrate the Williams of the world more!!
Heh. I have issues with IKEA (or any) building instructions for things like shelves and BBQs too, so I am also in awe!
I think it sounds wonderful and I'm so glad you wrote about it, Heather. I hadn't heard of it before. Thank you!
Trisha - Yes, William's story will stick with me for a long time as well.
bermudaonion - Absolutely!
Amy - People like William boggle my mind, especially considering how inept I am with thing like that.
Nan - You are very welcome. :)
I really loved William's story but sadly didn't love the book itself.
Amanda - I think that, in this case, reading some of the more negative reviews (like yours) before I read the book really helped. Otherwise I might have been misled by the description of the book and been disappointed. As it is, I really did enjoy it in the end.
I've had this one on my wish list for a while, and I haven't really heard anyone say that they didn't find it inspirational.
Alyce - Yeah, it really reminded me that there are some brilliant people in this world who could do so much more if given a decent chance.
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