Thanks to My Friend Amy, I am now the proud owner of the Share the Love Blog Award. She gave it to me for being one of those commenters who "make the hobby of blogging so much fun." Wow, thanks Amy!
This award was created by the mom of a lovely little boy who received a life-saving heart transplant. You can read her story here. Her purpose in creating this award is to bring attention to organ donation by sharing the bloggy love.
So in the spirit of the award, I'm passing it on to a few of my favorite bloggers...
First, I'm passing this to Books on the Brain. This is one of the very first book blogs I found and it inspired me to expand my plans for my own blog, to make it something that people other than just me would enjoy reading.
Second, this award goes to Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'? Trish gave me tons of help improving my blog whenever I asked her, and she's just a great bloggy friend. Plus she just got married so there's LOTS of love to go around over there!
I'm also giving this to Nan at Letters from a Hill Farm. Her blog is full of beautiful pictures that brighten my days, and she also has fantastic recipes and occasional book reviews. Visiting her site is a highlight of my blog-reading day.
And finally, I'm passing this on to my in-real-life friend (and fellow book club member) Jessica over at Emerging from the Cocoon. Jess could use some love right about now ... her first child, Caroline, was born still eight months ago. Please keep her and her husband in your prayers.
Thank you to these four wonderful bloggers - I love you all for different bloggy reasons. And to all my other blogging friends, you are wonderful as well! Thanks for the great posts and comments ... you ALL make blogging a great thing.
NOTE: For my lovely recipients, the only "rule" is that you must link back to this post (the one about little Noah) whenever you write about this award.
Congratulations! It's always so much fun to get awards from your fellow bloggers. Well deserved, Heather!
Awww congrats on your Blog Award!!!
Thanks for the comment on my blog, I am going to update it later, been hard to keep up!! LOL
Good luck with the reading, I LOVE books to, and have a whole entertainment center 3 rows deep of books I should share!!! Oh well, I am stingy and I want to keep them!! LOL
Heather, you totally deserve this award! You have one of my favorite blogs (really and truly) and your comments on my blog are always a pleasure to read.
I'll blog about this award in the next week or so. :)
Why, thank you! I am so totally flattered!!! ANd you deserve this award. Your blog is really evolving into something very special!
Thank you, Heather, for your nice, kind words. I did read this but at the time didn't have a chance to comment, and then of course, I didn't get back. But I do appreciate it so, so much. And as Ellen says, 'right back atcha!'
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