This is an excellent book for early readers. Kiddo is not reading on his own yet, but he enjoyed it anyway. The idea is that a child could read these stories aloud to his/her dog, who by the way, only lays around the house because because it can't read and is bored! :)
So, on to my four questions for kiddo ...
Did you like it? "Yes." Easy enough.
What was your favorite part? "When the dog was barking at the burglar." This WAS pretty cute - the dog was convinced he scared the burglar away, but there was never anyone there to begin with.
What was your least favorite part? "When the dog was laying around being lazy." Hmm, that's what OUR dog does just about all the time ... are you trying to tell me something kiddo?
Would you recommend this book to your friends? "If they have a dog, yes. If they don't have a dog, they wouldn't like it." That seems logical to me!
I really enjoyed this book. The three stories are called The Burglar, The Bone, and The Wild Dog. They were adorable, and should ring very true to anyone who has ever had a dog. I'd love to hear a child reading this out loud to a dog!
In other kids book news, hubby signed kiddo up for the Summer Reading Program at our library so now we have a stack of books to choose from for our book club meetings. I have to share this quick story about one of the books ...
Hubby brought home 5 books for kiddo and I. Of course I read the titles to kiddo right away so he could decide what he wants to read next. One book is called Jazz. As I started to get dinner ready, I began explaining that Jazz is a kind of music and he interrupts me with this:
"I know that mom. And there's a guy named Dizzy who plays jazz."
[Imagine dead silence and jaw dropping from me.] I turned around and very slowed asked, "Do you mean Dizzy Gillespie?"
"Yeah mom, that's who I mean."
"Why yes, that's right. There IS a guy named Dizzy who plays jazz. Did you learn about him in school?"
"No, not in school."
"Oh, I know, it must have been on that old music show on Blue's Clues."
"No mom, it wasn't on Blue's Clues. It was on Little Bill. His dad listens to Dizzy."
I KNEW I liked that show for a reason!
Hey, kiddo, thanks for the great review! I think my 5yo would like this book too, because we do have a dog. :) I have come across other books illustrated by True Kelley -- it's a funny name but she makes great pictures. In fact, if you were going to add a fifth question to your list, it could be "did you like the pictures."
The public library up by me has a program where the kids actually read to a dog. Yep, they bring a dog in and each child gets to read to him. They said that reading to a dog (or anyone really) improves their reading comprehension. It's cute because the dogs they bring in are totally lethargic and raise an ear every now and then when being read to. Isn't that a hoot! I thought of this when reading your book review.
What a great idea! I've recently discovered Bayard's new monthly range, which are well worth a look: StoryBoxBooks, AdventureBoxBooks, DiscoveryBoxBooks
I'm so glad I found your site. As you know, I'm a big booklover.
I came over here to let you know that you won the TripFlix DVD from 5 Minutes for Mom (I had to redraw). Please send your name and address with TripFlix in the subject line to me at the email address in my profile. Thanks!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and the link to the other Yellowstone blogger - how funny!
Hey Kiddo...I've gotten to where I prefer your book reviews to your mom's regular posts*...you give me lots of good ideas for books to send to my seven-year-old nephew. Thanks so much for your help.
*Heather, of course you know that I am still fan and tune in every day, right?
Baltimore County has a young reader program called Karma Dogs. I was in the Towson branch last Saturday, and the kids loved it. Here's a description from the BCPL's website: The Karma Dogs return to read with your reluctant or shy reader. Register your child to read with a nonjudgmental, noncritical furry friend. Inj Towson Saturdays, from June 14 through August 2 11:00 AM.
To check other brnahces, go here: http://www.bcplonline.org/yolib/yoliprog.html
I love this idea. I am going to use your questions whenever I finish reading to my grandson.:)
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