by Suzanne Collins
Book 2 of The Hunger Games trilogy
audiobook: 11.6 hours
narrated by Carolyn McCormick
*** About the Book ***
There is MUCH more to this story but summarizing it would definitely be spoilerific so I’ll just stop here.
*** Why I Listened To It ***
Over the summer I listened to the first book in the series at the request of several friends. They were all convinced I’d love it, but I just found it to be okay. I didn’t want to give up on the series though, so I reserved a copy of the second book on audio through the library and waited (2 months) for it to come in.
*** My Thoughts ***
Ok, I have to admit it – I really liked this book! I was leery throughout the first several chapters because it seemed to be very much like the first book. Then Katniss finally confided in Peeta rather than keeping everything secret from him (something that drove me nuts the first time around), and things took off from there.
I listened to this book almost non-stop – in the car, getting dressing in the morning, making dinner, before bed … wherever and whenever I had a chance. I enjoyed it so much more than I expected to.
The relationships between Katniss and Peeta and Gale became completely believable for me once the truth about it came out. I can understand the bond between K & P, and also the bond between K & G, and even the combined hatred and respect between P & G.
I’m really excited to get on to the next book. I can’t wait another 2-3 months though, so I’m off to download the audio version from … hopefully it is not too expensive.
*** Your Thoughts: Team ___________? ***
Since I’m so late to this series I missed seeing everyone post about Team Peeta and Team Gale (and even Team Katniss), so I’d love for you to share in the comments who you are/were rooting for. Do you want Katniss to end up with Gale or with Peeta, or to be on her own? Why did you choose what you chose? PLEASE don’t spoil book 3 for me by telling me who she does/doesn’t end up with – just share who you were rooting for as you read.
Also, let me know if you were satisfied with the final book (again, please no spoilers!) – I’ve heard mixed reviews. I’m wondering if people who liked book 1 better than book 2 were happier with book 3, or if the opposite is true … (does that even make sense?!)
And for the record, TEAM GALE!!!!!!!!
I liked this book a little more than The Hunger Games, which I know I enjoyed more than you did. ;) I went back and forth between Peeta and Gale, and to be honest, by the time I started Mockingjay, I didn't care who she ended up with or whether she ended up alone.
I was totally Team Gale, since Baker Boy just didn't do it for me. I liked to the fact that Gale and Katniss came from a similar background, and both were so protective of their families.
But, by the end, I was Team No One. I was over them all. I didn't like the last all.
I agree with both previous commenters: I liked Catching Fire better than Hunger Games and I started out Team Gale and ended up Team Katniss-should-stay-single
The second book was my favorite. I agree that the Peeta/Gale thing becomes more believeable in this book, but I really never saw the love traingle as the focus. I abstain from the Team question, but I hope you like the 3rd!
Anna - Interesting ... I definitely had more of an attachment to Gale at the end of this book but I was feeling heartbroken for Peeta at the same time.
softdrink - Baker Boy?! HA! I love that! I'm halfway through book 3 now. I don't like it as much as book 2 but I don't hate it either (yet?).
Helen - Hmm, I wonder if I'll feel that way by the end as well ...
Avid Reader - For the most part I'm enjoying book 3 so far, and I'm about halfway through.
I loved this book and I can't spoil Mockingjay for you because I haven't read it yet. I bought it for my Kindle before it came out and still haven't read it.
For the record, I'm Team Peeta, not really sure why, I just like him, to me he is the underdog, the little guy fighting for the girl. I'm not anti-Gale though.
Crystal - I'm definitely not anti-Peeta, I guess I just think Katniss and Gale are a better match ... and honestly, Peeta just doesn't do it for me. LOL
I was die hard Team Peeta. I loved him so much. Peeta, to me, was all unconditional love. Peeta was hope, revolution of the mind, to me. I always visualized Gale as sullen and angry--a little bit like Katniss. So I felt Katniss would be better off with Peeta.
I was team Peeta. I didn't really care for the third book, and that was for many reasons.
My daughter is reading this series and likes it.
Amy - You know, that doesn't surprise me at all. :) Didn't you also read and enjoy REDEEMING LOVE, by Francine Rivers? I wasn't a big fan of that book but the main male character (forgot his name) reminds me a lot of Peeta, so your comments make sense.
Alyce - Now you've got me worried about book 3 ... though it's not that bad so far.
Tribute Books Mama - I'm glad - I can definitely see the appeal!
Team Gale. Still am, even after reading Mockingjay - which I didn't love, but was not as unhappy with as some were (you need to check out my stepdaughter's post on it after you finish the book). But Catching Fire is my favorite of the three, for whatever it's worth.
I've wondered how the audio versions of these books are! I didn't have the patience to listen -- I had to tear through them the instant they came into my possession!
Contrary to everyone else's opinion, I loved Mockingjay. I always felt like I could trust Collins to take the story in a direction that felt right to me, and she did that all the way through. I could not have predicted what happened, but I absolutely see why it did.
I was always Team Katniss, or maybe Team Collins. I didn't love one of the boys more than the other -- they both had their moments! But, as I said, I knew Collins would take the story where it needed to go. So I never sided :-)
Enjoy the third book! I hope you like it. It makes me sad how many people feel it wasn't quite adequate.
I wasn't passionately team anyone, but if you forced me to choose I would have said that I was Team Peeta.
As for Mockingjay, I liked it for the most part, but not as much as I expected to, and not as much as I enjoyed the first two books!
I think the book ended at the wrong point, and we could have done without the epilogue.
Still a really good trilogy all up though.
Catching Fire was the one book in the series that I hated, because I felt like Katniss lost all the strength and wisdom from the first book and acted like a bimbo the whole time. Thankfully, Mockingjay made up for the book! But I seem to be in the minority in liking Mockingjay. It was exactly what I'd hoped for.
I was Team Katniss. I felt like Katniss had decided she didn't want to marry, and she shouldn't be forced into a decision with two people she didn't fully love. She loved Gale like a brother and her love for Peeta was too mixed up and confusing. I wanted her to end up alone until she met someone that could make her change her mind.
Having said that, I would have far preferred her to end up with Peeta than Gale, because in Catching Fire Gale revealed himself (to me) to be cruel, jealous, and a very fair-weather love, only willing to love her if she loves him in return. Conditional love bothers me, and I saw in Gale the seeds of a wife-beater or other crazy mean lunatic.
Florinda - I’ll definitely check out her review soon – I’m almost finished with Mockingjay now.
Erin – Book 3 is sort of growing on me at this point. I’m still not all the way through, but I’m appreciating what Collins is doing with the plot so far. And I’m leaning toward Team Katniss as well …
Marg – Interesting … I’ll keep that in mind as I get to the end of book 3! I wonder if I’ll feel the same?
Amanda – I love how you and I are almost always polar opposites in our book opinions – it is so funny to me! :) I do get what you’re saying about Gale, though I didn’t pick up on it until book 3. I’m interested to see where the story goes in the final chapters of the last book.
I love Peeta with all my heart, BUT I am still drawn toward Gale. So I have always declared myself Team Gale! :)
Welcome to the Hunger Games party! Better late than never, right? :)
We ARE usually rather opposite aren't we? :D It makes things very fun.
Suey - Peeta is sort of "too nice" for me - I'm always drawn to the bad boy (not that Gale came across as "bad" at the beginning). And yes, I'm finally getting into the party - FINALLY.
Amanda - Yup! :)
ehem...told ya so.
OpheliaZepp - yeah, yeah, yeah
**sigh** I'm saddened by your Gale affiliation. LOL I'm 100% Team Peeta (as if you couldn't guess already).
I'm glad that you enjoyed this book better than the last. I have to say I was disappointed in Mockingjay for a variety of reasons that I won't go into here. Especially since you're remaining spoiler-free.
Michelle - Ok, I read your comment too quickly ... I thought it said my "Gale affliction" - though you probably think of that way anyway! LOL I've finished Mockingjay and will post a review shortly - looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it!
I liked Book 1 and Book 2 about the same (really liked both), but was disappointed with Book 3. I was leaning towards Team G because I like relationships grew from friendship :)
christa - I like friends-turned-lovers relationships as well - that is definitely part of the reason I'm Team Gale. My review of Mockingjay will be up in a few days ...
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