On Monday night kiddo and I held our 2nd Mom & Son Book Club. This time he chose a book I brought home from the library called The Prairie Fire, by Marilynn Reynolds.
After we finished reading I asked kiddo if he liked it and he said yes. Yea! This is a great improvement because lately all I've gotten is "it's ok."
I liked this book because it actually has real content. Kiddo and I talked about what a fireguard is, what oxen are, how in "old times" people didn't have running water to put out fires, and why you'd want to blindfold a horse during a fire.
His favorite part was the very last page where Percy's dad lets him come along to help, treating him like a grown man rather than a boy. His least favorite part was when the family hugged each other after the fire was over, because they were all dirty and kiddo said Percy looked like he was burned.
On the subject of recommending this to his friends kiddo was uncertain. He really liked it but he wasn't sure his friends would.
As a side note, I'm LOVING this book club thing with kiddo. My husband thinks it's funny/adorable/silly/sweet, and kiddo and I really look forward to picking out our books and reading together. What fun!
Just a few reminders about the THREE books I'm giving away right now.
- Win a copy of Matters of Faith, by Kristy Kiernan! Click here to read my interview with the author and find out how to win this book. Drawing to be held on June 27.
- Win a copy of The Avengers, or Ciao America!, two of my favorite books from this past year. Click here for more info on how to win. Drawing to be held on June 27.
Today is Special
Back in 1995, just after I graduated from high school, I met the man (boy? he was only 20 then...) who would become my husband. Today, June 18, marks the 13th anniversary of our first date. Hubby and kiddo are meeting me for lunch today, but I don't think hubby remembers what today is; he'll be pleasantly surprised when I remind him. ;)
Next month we'll celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary - go us!
Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your nice lunch out.
Congratulations! Go you, indeed! That's quite an accomplishment.
I'd actually like to read that book! Sounds like a good discussion.
Happy date anniversary...I don't know my husband's and my first date...all I know is that it was sometime in November, and we'd had a heavy frost because he scraped my windshield for me.
Okay, so I'm dying to know - did hubby remember? Do tell! ;)
Thanks everyone! And no, he did NOT remember ... but once I reminded him of the date he knew exactly what it was. It was pretty funny watching him struggle to remember (before I told him the date), concerned that he might have forgotten something really important and that I'd be mad. Of course I wasn't mad - just amused. :)
Heather, a belated happy date-versary. Don't be too hard on the guy. It's a miracle for guys to remember a first date -- unless it coincides with a major holiday or the championship of a favorite sports team.
p.s. The parent-child book club is a wonderful way to get youngsters to read. I don't think anything is better than the example set by a parent.
p.p.s. Didn't mean to be anonymous, just hit the wrong button.
Happy Anniversary!
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