To start off the weekend, I got to meet a fellow blogger IN PERSON! Shawna from Stop the Train was in town for a wedding and we hooked up at her hotel. You can read about the fancy-schmancy hotel she stayed at for the wedding (I've been there, it really is that good) and also her take on our little get-together over on her site. Neither of us had much time, but we took our two boys in the pool and just chatted for about an hour. It was absolutely wonderful to meet her. Here's a pic of us, but please remember that we were just in the pool and NOT planning on looking all sexy. :)
The next day hubby, kiddo and I headed up to Boston for hubby's brother's wedding. Kiddo was the ring bearer, and he was a CUTIE!!! Here's a pic of he and I at the wedding:
Confession time? I had a bit too much to drink that night... See, I knew that my in-laws were taking kiddo to their room for the night. And I knew that I had no responsibilities once the reception started. So despite the fact that 2 drinks is usually enough for me, I just ordered another one. And another one. And another one. I lost count at 6 but hubby says there were more after that. Once the reception ended a group of us walked to a bar nearby. We ended up back in out HUGE, FANTASTIC, RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE hotel room (for those who know Boston, it was The Taj, which is the former Ritz Carlton) sometime between 2-3am. I crashed on the bed alongside my cousin and my aunt. Here's a progression of pics from around that time ...
I hope all of you out there in blogland had a wonderful weekend as well. :)
Kiddo is a cutie! What a doll! Those pics are funny. Looks like you had a good time!
ok, so the pic of us could be better but, whatever!
It sounds like you had a blast. I drank more than usual at my niece's wedding but since we were walking I figured why not. I actually held out pretty well. The only side-effect is that I was grouchy Saturday (the grouchiness could have been caused by the fact that I had to leave that amazing bedding set at the renaissance!)
Your kiddo looked adorable in his suit. I love the color of your dress too. You looked really pretty in it. I am glad you had fun and I am really glad that I got to meet you!
I'm glad you had a fellow blogger meet up! Kiddo's very cute!
I like your drunken pictures better than mine...are we starting a trend...?
I'm sitting here laughing! Really, a wonderful post and with pictures!! Your 'kiddo' is adorable. Great that you and Shawna got together.
How fun!!! :) I love meeting blog people- it's so wonderful. It's like meeting up with a long lost friend, and you have so much to talk about- and life is fab!! :)
My S&T is here
It looks like you had a wonderful time! And who wouldn't have - dressing up, little bit of alcohol, fabulous hotel room . . .
Your son is adorable, BTW!!
Oy, the day after is so awful; but you looked like you had a really good time getting to that awful time :-)
Ouch!! One of those benders where you don't feel human until the next night.....ugh. I hate those. But I'm glad you really got to unwind. I also liked the reading meme and have saved it for a future post on my blog. I'll try to post an audio file of our bluegrass band too!
i LOVE staying in hotels! So much fun! You guys look like you had a blast :)
I just received 'The Avengers' in the mail today, once I get to reading it I will surely let you know when I'm done. Thanks so much
Hilarious! I would not have been able to walk after that much, er hem, fun! ;-) And your little one is just too cute.
Sounds like a fun weekend!!!
And hangovers are so worth the fun you have the night before ~ usually! :)
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