This weekend is the mystery/thriller convention Bouchercon - "Charmed to Death" will be right here in Charm City (aka Baltimore).

Carol Fitzgerald (of,, etc.) will be in town for the convention and I'm having dinner with her Saturday night. It will be lots of fun to put a face and a voice to all her posts and newsletters!
After dinner Carol is bringing me back to the hotel to hang out with the authors - how exciting! Any author from this list could be there. Exciting, right?!
What's the problem you ask? Um ... I ... uh ... don't read mysteries or thrillers.
Yes, that's right - I get the chance of a lifetime to meet and mingle with a huge roomful of authors and I don't know who any of them are.
I don't want to go into this event not knowing anything about these authors! So here's what I need from all you mystery/thriller lovers out there. Check out this list of authors and give me the names of the ones you love, a few books they've written, their main character(s) and whatever you think it's important to know about them.
Basically I'm asking for a primer in mystery/thriller authors. Can you help?
I'm not a big mystery reader either. I wish I could help. If it were me though, I would just explain that mystery is not a genre that I am very familiar with, but that I hope to learn more about it while at the convention.
Good luck!
My very favorite mystery author happens to be on this list. Laurie R. King writes two different series and has written several standalone novels. The series that I read is the Mary Russell series, which follows a young American woman who is orphaned, moves to Britain, and meets and eventually marries (!) Sherlock Holmes. It's a marvelous series that even Holmes purists enjoy. She also writes the Kate Martinelli series. (I don't read these, but I believe they are police procedurals.)
I reviewed her latest book, Touchstone at
She also blogs at She's been blogging about Bouchercon quite a bit lately.
(I'm so jealous. I'd love to be going. I even live close enough that it would be feasible, but it's not happening.)
You've been mimed, er memed, uh, given an award - here.
Wow! That's a huge list! I am a mystery/thriller fan so I might be able to help a little. :-)
One of my favorite authors actually e-mailed me today to say she was on her way to Bouchercon. She has a new book coming out this November that I'm waiting on pins and needles to read. Her name is Karen E. Olson. If you do run into her (and can remember) tell her hello from me! Karen is the author of the Annie Seymour, crime reporter series set in Connecticut. Karen is currently working on a new series featuring a tattoo shop owner in Las Vegas.
Gosh! There are so many I would love to meet that are going to be there. I am so jealous!
Oh, oh! Craig Johnson! I adore his books. He's my new favorite mystery author this year. He writes the Sheriff Longmire series set in Wyoming. He really knows how to bring a place to life.
My friend Christine would like you to tackle Harlan Coben if you get the chance. She has a major crush on him and loves his books. He writes a series about a sports agent as well as stand alones.
Have a great time!
Ti - That's my backup plan. :)
Teresa - THANK YOU!!!I hadn't even notice Laurie R. King's name on the list - I've read The Beekeeper's Apprentice earlier this year and LOVED it! I will definitely be looking to meet her on Saturday night.
Clark - thanks!
Literary Feline - thanks for all the info, I'll be sure to look into those authors before I go.
I can't help you with your mystery/thriller primer, but what a great opportunity for you!
Did you end up going back to Carol's hotel room?
You mentioned in one of your comments on my blog that she's a hoot--and she sure is! Holy moly, she had me cracking up! I wish I worked very closely with her...maybe some of her genius would rub off on me. :D
Did you end up going back to Carol's hotel room?
You mentioned in one of your comments on my blog that she's a hoot--and she sure is! Holy moly, she had me cracking up! I wish I worked very closely with her...maybe some of her genius would rub off on me. :D
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