It's that time again, time for the once-monthly "What''s on your nightstand?" carnival! I love this one for two reasons. First it is only once a month - that's enough for me. And second, it forces me to admit to myself how many books I need to finish. So here we go ...*** On my desk at work ***
Why The Wind Blows, by Matthys Levy - I've finished reading it and just need to write my review - stay tuned, it should be up this week
Bedlam South, by Mark Grisham and David Donaldson - this is my 'read-at-work' book, the one I pick up at lunchtime - it's a civil war era tale
365 Nights: A Memoir of Intimacy
, by Charla Muller - a memoir of a woman who gave her 40 yr old husband a birthday gift of sex every day for a year - I haven't started reading this one yet (a coworker lent me this book, and I lent her The 19th Wife)
Crossroads of Twilight, by Robert Jordan - this is the audio version on cd, and it's book 10 in the series - I don't have much time to listen to it but I take every minute I can
*** In my bed ***
The Mysterious Island, by Jules Verne - I'm halfway through this but I had to put it aside for a while to catch up on other things - I can't wait to get back to it though!
*** In my bathroom ***
The Turn of the Screw, by Henry James - funny story: when I put this on my list for the Lost Challenge I kept thinking it was The Taming of the Shrew. As I started reading I realized I was wrong. I'm not that far in yet, but I think I saw an old black and white version of this movie years ago and it was deliciously creepy.
*** Near my couch ***
The Ark, The Reed, and the Fire Cloud, by Jenny Cote - this is what I'm reading with kiddo now - it's the story of Noah's ark told from the point of view of the animals and it's great! Kiddo loves it so far. It's over 400 pages though, so I think it will take us a long time to get through it.
*** In my car ***
The Glass Castle, by Jeannette Walls (audio book) - this is my book club book for November - I just finished listening to it so expect a review soon
Those are MY books ... what about yours? Join in the fun here or post your list in the comments. Happy reading!
I wish I could keep a book on my desk. But that would cause suspeicion.
What's on the nightstand
And a book giveaway
Dream or Destiny
Hi Heather--
you read a wide variety indeed!!
Love that you list the book locations, too :)
LOVED The Glass Castle!
wow! I am do you manage to read all of those at once? I am not so talented :(
I am currently reading The Shack by Eugene Patterson & I love it!
Take care :)
I loved The Glass Castle, but I read it. Who was the narrator in the audio version? (I'm wondering if the effect would be different.)
Heather: The narrarator's name is Julia Gibson and I think she did an excellent job. Each character's "voice" had intonations that made it slightly different than the others. IMO a narrarator can make or break an audio book - this one made it.
Here's the official site if you want more info.
The Turn of the Screw is your bathroom reading? Wow. You don't take anything lightly. My bathroom reading's normally the back of the soap dispenser.
My mother-in-law reads Robert Jordan and has been trying to get me into those.
Haha...The Turn of the Screw...I kept mistaking it with The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. I'm a dork. And A Picture of Dorian Gray...kept thinking Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man. Hahaha. :)
365 days? Yikes!
The Glass Castle generate lots and lots of conversation at our bookclub.
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