I always enjoy this monthly activity over at 5 Minutes for Books. For one thing, it helps me organize all the books I'm currently reading. But more importantly, I get to see what everyone else is reading (or putting off reading) ... and then I don't feel so bad.
Since I don't actually HAVE a nightstand I'll share the books that are scattered throughout my life, and I'll tell you where they are - just like I do every month. Here goes!

*** My Carry-Along Book ***
The Game, by Laurie R. King - I'm working my way through the entire Mary Russell/Sherlock Holmes series this month and I'm currently on this one, book 6. I've only just started it but it looks to be quite good! This book goes with me wherever I go.

*** In My Car ***
Sword Song (audio book), by Bernard Cornwell - This is the 4th book in the Saxon Chronicles series. I don't want to get out of the car when I'm listening to it. I'm about halfway through the cassettes at this point.

*** In the Bathroom ***
Evelina: or The History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World, by Fanny Burney - Great title, huh? This was originally published in 1778. I have high hopes for it ... but I've only just started so I can't say much more than that.
*** In My Office at Work ***
The Leviathan Chronicles (podcast), by Cristof Laputka - This is sort of like an enhanced audio book. I've been listening whenever I can at work. The first 17 chapters have been released so far (there will be 50 chapters total) and a new chapter comes out every 10 days. You can check it out - and start listening! - at this website: www.theleviathanchronicles.com.

Red Rain, by Tim Wendel - I started this WWII novel a while ago but it didn't really capture my attention at the time. I've put it aside for now but I do intend to finish it next month. It is based on a little-known story about the Japanese use of hot-air-balloon bombs that they sent across the ocean to the US West Coast.
*** Accusing Me from My Coffee Table ***

Receive Me Falling, by Erika Robuck - I first told you about this book here when I met the author prior to the book's publication. She recently hand-delivered a signed copy of the book and I can't wait to read it. BUT I have other books that I've committed to first so it will have to wait (it really doesn't WANT to wait though) ... In the meantime, you should check out the book at her website and let me know what you think!
There is another book next to this one on my coffee table ...
The Bean Trees, by Barbara Kingsolver - This is my book club's pick for this month. Our meeting is Thursday. I've finished the book but I haven't written my review yet (hence the accusing stare from the book). But you should see it pop up in a few days, so I don't feel all that guilty. Really. Not guilty at all. Um ... yeah ...
That is what is on "my nightstand" this month. Be sure to hop over here to see what everyone else is sharing - and join in the fun if you like!
Oh fun! I love your categories, and I have so many books that are giving me the same stare right now.
I love the way that you divided up where your books were glaring at your from.=)
Ahh I envy you your escape into the world of Mary & Sherlock. I've only read the first. Need to get to the rest!
Wow, what great books. All of them look very, very good. Receive me Falling just went on my wishlist.
I totally forgot about what's on your nightstand this month. This month passed way too quickly. I guess mine woyn post will be very, very late - because I have to go to work today. Ack!
How do you keep all the story lines staight in your head - I have a hard enough time focusing on one at a time.
My old brain just won't do it!
Some of the books you mentioned sound good ~ I'm adding a couple to my "SOMEDAY, I MIGHT read these" list!!
Your categories cracked me up! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a bathroom book. ;)
Evelina sounds like fun. I love reading old books and its on Google Books!
haha! i love how you have books dotted all over the place!! :D and that you have a carry-along-with-you book. i also have one of those.
and i like the "Accusing Me from My Coffee Table book" :D
by the way, i wanted to say i really like your blog and am enjoying reading it! i also really like the layout. i'm quite fussy about these things and yours is laid very nicely - clear, lots of info, easy to navigate and not cluttered!
I haven't really tried audio books, not sure if I would like them. Maybe I'll have to pick one up and give it a try!
I'm just now catching up with the WOYN posts and am actually doing a giveaway as part of mine. :)
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