It's that time of year again,
time for Dueling Monsters!
In this third year of our reading challenge, Fizzy Thoughts and I are delving into some early science fiction/horror stories as we pit H.G. Wells' The Island of Dr. Moreau
against H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu
Fizzy Thoughts will host the Cthulhu side and I'll host the Dr. Moreau side. The challenge officially begins on October 1, and you'll see posts at each of our blogs that day announcing the kick-off. You can choose to read one or both of the books - whatever works for you.
Sometime during October you will post your review of your chosen book(s) on your blog and provide us with the link (we'll each have a post on our blog for that specific purpose). On Halloween Day, October 31, I'll recap all the Dr. Moreau posts on my blog and Fizzy Thoughts will recap all the Cthulhu posts on her blog.
You don't have to officially sign up now, just start thinking about it. If you do decide to join us feel free to grab a button or two or three.
I'm looking forward to this duel and I hope you are too!

hm, I am intrigued. I think I have The Island of Dr. Moreau. I was planning to read more Wells and I haven't read Lovecraft before. I will have to think about it because I seem to be taking on lots of projects lately!
I know you already know this by email but I'm so excited for this! Though I think I'll probably end up on Jill's team this year...
I will definitely be participating - I love both of the authors!!
Thanks for the great event :)
Kailana - I know what you mean about taking on too many projects! Hopefully you'll be able to join us, but if not I understand. :)
Amanda - Well, I GUESS I can forgive you ... LOL
Nick - Great! I'm a fan of Wells but this will be my first Lovecraft (I'm doing both books). Glad to have you!
I had so much fun doing Dueling Monsters with you guys last time! I'd love to participate again. The thing is, I don't do scary well, and, well...they both look scary! I'm leaning toward Doctor Moreau as the one less likely to give me nightmares. Decisions, decisions...
Erin - I don't do scary either so I know how you feel! I've started Moreau already and although there is some suspense and a bit of creepy goings-on I wouldn't call it SCARY. I'm planning to read Cthulhu as well - check back with me in a few weeks and I'll let you know if that one is safe to read or not. :)
Yeeeeeeehaw!! I haven't decided which monster I'm going to tackle--right now I'm crazy enough to read both. Pshaw. Either way I can't wait!!
If I do this, I would have to go wtih Lovecraft because I've read a few of his short stories which has left me wnating to read this one.
Trish - I'm going to do both this year, but I'll totally understand if you just go with the shortest one ... little Elle is gorgeous but I'm sure she's also a time suck. :)
Ryan - Lovecraft has always creeped me out so I've been to afraid to read him. I'm going to try Cthuhlu though ... we'll see how that turns out!
OOOoooooo! You are really tempting me! I really like the buttons bytheway. vewry nicssssssssse. (not sure how to type a drawn out 'nice' with hissing sound... You get it, tho, right?)
I have committed to Team Jill but that is only because I have been saying I would read abt the CHutleu thing that I can't spell for many years. but I will read both and give a final verdict.
Care - Glad you're in for both, it should be fun! (and thx re: the buttons ... I really like how they turned out.)
My guy is SO gonna win. That is, if we ignore the writing.
softdrink - I just finished listening to Moreau ... we'll see what I think after I read Cthulhu!
How did I miss this post? Did Blogger hide it from me?! This may be late...but I'm going to try and join in again (loved Jekyll vs Dorian Gray last year). I have the Island of Dr. Moreau. Have to see if I have or can get my hands on Cthuhlu....
Okay. I own both. Let's see if I can get this done. :-)
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