Ambassador of Books ~ Book Club Madam ~ Blogger Gal

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Non-Fiction Five Challenge Recap

I've completed the Non-Fiction Five Challenge!

The goal was to read 5 non-fiction books between May and September, with at least one being a different format than the others. Here's my original post for the challenge. Below are the books I actually read, followed by a brief description (links take to you my reviews).
  1. The Lost Men - story of survival in Antarctica - highly recommended
  2. The Island at the Center of the World - history of the Dutch colony at Manhattan - very interesting
  3. The Secret Doorwaycase for a creator of the universe - this was a DNF for me - great premise, but poor execution
  4. The Survivors Club - why some people survive disasters - very eye-opening
  5. Golden Boy - growing up in Hong Kong in the 1950s - I really enjoyed this one
The first two books were historical non-fiction, the third book was more of an opinion-based book, the fourth was a compilation of stories and science in support of a point, and the fifth was a memoir. So I definitely covered more than two formats!

The books below were also on my list but got bumped for various reasons. Hopefully I'll get to read them soon:
  1. Mistress of the Vatican
  2. The History of Celibacy
  3. The Greatest Generation Speaks

I quite enjoy non-fiction and this challenge helped me to see how much of it I really am reading. It also encouraged me to look at what formats work well for me. I'll definitely be joining this challenge again next year.
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