Ambassador of Books ~ Book Club Madam ~ Blogger Gal

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How This Blog Got Its Name

Today Rebecca from Ramblings by Reba is hosting a really fun carnival ... How This Blog Got Its Name. The concept is simple - share with your readers why you chose your blog's name, then link up to your post from the carnival's page. All are welcome to join in, so write a quick post about your blog's name and go link up!


How This Blog Got Its Name

My story is simple. I've written about it before but I'll share again today ...

People always asked me how many books I read in a year, or in a month. I honestly had no idea, and that bugged the heck out of me. So when I turned 30 (in 2007) I decided to keep track of what I read for one year. The plan was to use my regular word processing program to keep a list of books read each month, along with a 2-3 sentence summary of my thoughts. That worked great!

A few months before my birthday I had created a blog for my book club (which you can check out here) and I was getting the hang of how it works. I also started reading the blog over at While browsing the comments over there I found links to other book blogs and I was fascinated. Shortly thereafter I decided to move my list from my word processor to my very own blog.

My first title for my blog was simple: Age 30 - A Year of Books. After all, that is exactly what my blog was meant to be - one year's chronicle of what I read with notes to help me remember. If you go back and read some of the posts from my early days you'll clearly see that I was writing only for myself. After a few months I became more involved in the book blogging world and began writing posts with my readers in mind. Blogging became a part of my every day life.

Then my 31st birthday came around. I couldn't imagine ending my blog as I'd originally planned - this was too much fun, too much a part of who I am, too much of a connection to the whole-wide-world! What's a girl to do?! Ends up, the answer was quite simple ... change the name of my blog.

And so, I renamed my blog Age 30+ ... A Lifetime of Books. And THAT, my dear readers, is how my blog got its name.


Now it is your turn - tell me the story of YOUR blog's name! Share it in the comments or write your own post and link up to it. I'd love to learn more about your blog!


Dreamybee said...

Unrelated, but I have re-awarded you the Proximidade award. No need to participate all over again, but I just wanted you to know. :)

Brooke from The Bluestocking Guide said...

Here's my post

Anonymous said...

I was afraid that you would quit blogging after the year was up. This would have made me very sad indeed!

Like you, I started out writing an easy book diary so I could remember what I had read, but then Lisa and Trish discovered me (they were newbies too) and the rest is history. They're both uber popular, and I'm kind of fair to middlin'. We must've chosen a good time to launch our sites!

Anonymous said...

I was afraid that you would quit blogging after the year was up. This would have made me very sad indeed!

Like you, I started out writing an easy book diary so I could remember what I had read, but then Lisa and Trish discovered me (they were newbies too) and the rest is history. They're both uber popular, and I'm kind of fair to middlin'. We must've chosen a good time to launch our sites!

Anonymous said...

Heather, you have a much better story than I do. When I started the blog for The Baltimore Sun, I wanted a name that would have a local connection while representing the blog's spirit. On my commute I pass Read Street, and on the 20th pass, it clicked. Isn't it good that I don't commute via Tank Access Road in Aberdeen?

Amy said...

I was in the midst of grief and loss when I started my blog, but I knew there was more than that - hope. So, "There's Hope" became the name. I believed it then, and I'm carrying it now. :-)

Rebecca said...

I, for one, am glad you started this book blog. (I think I initially found you via ICLW.)

We have fairly different tastes in books, but I've found a couple of GEMS from you. AND you're a good bloggy friend.

Thanks for participating!

Anonymous said...

I *love* to read but never thought about doing a blog about it - what a cool idea! Thanks for sharing your story.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how this whole blog thing just sort of steamrolls! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Thats interesting history behind your blog name. My blog name actually doesn't mean anything, except that this was the only one that was available which wasn't very long :)

Serena said...

great story about the blog name and where it came from.

Mine is a boring story.

Rebecca Reid said...

My blog name is a play on my name (duh). My husband thinks it is the cheesiest, dumb name in the world. I like it ;)

Tash said...

I like this post. Thanks for sharing. Will definitely share how I got my name... though its pretty obvious that I love the movie sex in the city and ulat buku literally means book worm in my native language. Thus the name Ulat Buku in the City... cheesy I know! :)

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