*** Reminder: I'm giving away two copies of CW Gortner's wonderful novel THE LAST QUEEN. Click here for details! *** 
This monthly meme is hosted by
5 Minutes for Books on the last Tuesday of each month. The idea is to share the books you are currently reading, or the stack that is on your nightstand, or something along those lines.
What I do each month is tell you what I'm reading and where ... so here goes!
*** My Carry-Along Book ***
Gone With The Wind, by Margaret Mitchell - I'm reading this as a summer project with Becky's (online) book club. We started in June and are set to finish in August. I never wanted to read this book even though I loved the movie, but a few blogger friends raved about it so I decided to give it a try. It is FANTASTIC! I'm really enjoying it.
For a while I was only reading this in bed, but I finished my book club's selection for this month so now I can devote more of my time to finishing this book (and with 1,000 pages, I DO need to give it some time!).
*** In My Car ***
The Iliad, by Homer -
Rebecca Reads reviewed this a while ago and I was intrigued. I love the stories of the Trojan War and ancient Greek gods so I figured I'd try it out. And since this was originally an epic poem meant to be recited, I thought that listening to the audio book would be the perfect way to experience this story. I'm getting close to the end now and I have enjoyed most of it. It reminds me in parts of the movie CLASH OF THE TITANS and the TV show XENA - I wrote about the comparisons
*** In the Bathroom ***
The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper - I'm reading this for the
1% Well Read Challenge. I loved the movie, but I've been warned multiple times that the book is really hard to get through. I'll admit that it is very wordy and the characters are quite different than their movie counterparts, but I AM enjoying it so far. Hopefully that will continue ...
*** On My Desk ***
The Survivors Club, by Ben Sherwood - I'm listening to this audio book when things aren't too busy at work, or when I have some "no-thought-required" jobs to do. The concept of the book is quite interesting: some people are more likely to survive disasters than others, and you can train yourself to be one of those people. I'm more than 1/2 way through, so you can expect of a review of this in the near future.
Those are the books occupying my attention at the moment. And here is a list of what I'm planning to read soon:
- The Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan (for online book club)
- Golden Boy, by Martin Book (for "Read Your Own Books Challenge")
- Thread of Grace, by Mary Doria Russell (for "Read Your Own Books Challenge")
- Till We Have Faces, by CS Lewis (for in-person book club)
How many books do you have going right now? Is there one that you are really into? Or maybe there's one that you just can't bring yourself to get back to? Let me know what you're reading right now in the comments!
And for more Nightstand posts, check out
5 Minutes for Books.
ooo I loved Gone with the Wind when I read it last year! Its good to make it a project its a big boo :-) Have fun reading this month.
Lindsay - Thanks, I am really enjoying it!
You have some heavy-duty stuff there to read! Good luck. :)
I have read Gone With the Wind about 6 times, since first picking it up in high school. Each time I find something new. Glad you are enjoying one of my very favorite books.
I love how you divide up your books by where they are.
And I must say I am amused by the fact that GWTW is your CARRY-ALONG book!!!! =D
stephanie@{olive tree} - yep, that's the way I like it! :)
Jenny - I can see why you'd want to reread this one. It is truly a great book.
Carrie - I'll admit, GWTW is rather big for a carry along. That's why I was previously reading it bed only. But I finished my other book and I'm so into this one that I can't put it down!
Can't wait to read your review of The Survivor's Club. I read it a few months ago. Loved the 1st half but thought it lost steam by the end...
I am just finishing Pope Joan and LOVING IT! I am just a few pages from being done and cant wait until after work to get back to it!
I also have the End of Grace to finish, Pride and Prejudice, and Angela's Ashes to finish....
I have never read Gone With The Wing either but someday (some day....) hope to. :)
Great list of books.
I must admit, I am not a Gone with the Wind fan although, that opinion is only based on viewing the movie.
I have recently become very intriuged with C.S. Lewis. I am going to look into the Till We Have Faces book.
Happy Reading.
I love how you have different books for different places! I'm not a fan of the movie version of GWTW, but I've heard the book is good -- I guess it is often the case that the book is better!
Kelly - So far, I'm enjoying it!
Sheila - Thanks for sharing your list with me. I've been hearing great things about Pope Joan. And I LOVED P&P and Angela's Ashes (I'll sure miss Frank McCourt now that he's gone ...).
ibeeg - Oh, the book is SO MUCH better than the movie! But if you didn't like the movie, this may not be the book for you. :)
What a great idea to listen to Iliad!
I read GWTW 25+ years ago in high school. I'd like to revisit it, especially after reading how much you're enjoying it. Maybe a good book for me to curl up with this winter ...
This is the precise reason why I don't read more than one book at a time. There is always the question of what do I read next? How do I finish all the ARC's on time. I don't want to read more and one book at a time and add more questions. I'm reading The Handmaid's tale at the moment. Just read 10 pages but I'm finding it a little difficult to understand everything without concentrating too much.
Nise' - I love audio books, so this seemed like the perfect thing for me.
Dawn - I wonder how you'll like it now!
violetcrush - Before blogging, I was a "monogamous" reader. I couldn't imagine reading more than one book at a time! But now ... well, let's just say I'm "polyamorous" ...
I read Gone With the Wind when I was in high school. On my own, not for class. I loved it and thought it was better than the movie, though I love the movie, too. Can't wait for your final thoughts on it.
Diary of an Eccentric
Phew! I'm glad you like GWTW -- being one of the ravers, I was feeling the pressure...but not really, it's such a great book...
Just like that other whopper...The Count of Monte Cristo...and the audio book read by Stephen Lee is fabulous...
Anna - DEFINITELY better than the movie!
Plays with Needles - I'm going to that to that one too as soon as I can.
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