Today's Topic: Forgotten Treasure - Sure we’ve all read about Freedom and Mockingjay but we likely have a book we wish would get more attention by book bloggers, whether it’s a forgotten classic or under marketed contemporary fiction. This is your chance to tell the community why they should consider reading this book! (Details on the daily topics can be found at the BBAW website.)
There are two books that blew me away this year. Both were written in the 1970s (the decade in which I was born - what a coincidence!) and both deserve so much more attention than they are getting today.

This story examines the hot-button issues of power and race by taking a modern-day character and placing her in the pre-Civil War American South. Dana, an 1970s African-American woman, finds herself living as a slave on a plantation where she is owned by her distant ancestor. The strength of the book is the way in which the reader comes to understand the horrors of slavery by watching Dana degenerate and begin to compromise in order to survive. For more details you can check out my complete review

This non-fiction account of the destruction of the Native American tribes in the United States in the late 1800s is told from the tribes' point of view. This book should be required reading in every American classroom and suggested reading for the rest of the world. With heartbreaking simplicity it shows how a government can completely destroy a group of people. If we don't understand history, how can we ever expect to do better in the future? Although I read the original version, there is a new
illustrated version
of this book out now that is also very powerful. You can read my complete review
here if you are interested.
I'm looking forward to checking out the forgotten treasures that other bloggers have dug up!
Kindred is an excellent choice!!
Kindred sounds so very different and good!
Both are on my owned TBR. I am glad you recommend them!
I just recently read Octavia Butler (short story) for the first time. Now I'm even more determined to read Kindred or Fledgling.
Amanda - I KNEW you'd agree. :)
Mystica - It really is - I hope you try it!
April - YAY! Definitely read them both, don't let them languish for years - you'll kick yourself later if you do.
Andi - I have yet to read anything else by her but I really want to read the Parable of the Sower.
I remember when Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee was out and there was a lot of controversy surrounding it.
I haven't read either of these, but they both sound like very powerful books. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.
What great choices. I loved Kindred.
I know Kindred is on my tbr; I'm quite interested in the illustrated BMHaWK. Thanks!
I haven't heard of this, but it sounds amazing! I'm going to add it!
Both sound really interesting - so I have added a few more to my TBR list!
This is a sad day for TBR - getting longer and longer ~ so many good books.
I really loved Kindred, too! I haven't read Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, but it sounds like I ought to.
I read your original review of Kindred and was inspired to read it. Fabulous choice - so glad you turned me onto it!
Great choices!
Bermudaonion – I can imagine!
Carolsnotebook – You are welcome – I hope you one or both a try.
Trina – It’s SO good, isn’t it?!
Care – I’d like to have that illustrated book on my permanent bookshelf.
Aths – Great!
Library Cat – My TBR is suffering this week as well. :(
parrish latern – First – welcome to my blog! And second, you are probably right, it really should be mandatory worldwide reading.
Megan – So glad to find someone else who’s read Kindred!
StephanieD – WOW! I’m so glad that my review inspired you to read Kindred – you just made my day. :)
Alyce – Thanks!
I really have to make time to read Kindred at some point. I've heard nothing but good things about that book.
I have been wanting to read Bury My Heart at WOunded Knee for a very long time, but I fear how depressed I'll get! You've reinforced my conviction that I need to read it soon.
I really want to read Kindred. I think I ILL'd it, but to be honest, I have been doing so much of it lately I can't remember anymore... My library is a bit slack when it comes to certain genres...
Anna - Yes, please do make time for it - it's fantastic!
S. Krishna - It is depressing but so important to know and understand at the same time. The timelines at the beginning of each section really killed me - this stuff happened SO RECENTLY!
Kailana - It's definitely worth ILL'ing again if you need to - it's a great book.
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