As many of you know, I have been waiting (im)patiently for author Brandon Sanderson to complete the late Robert Jordan's epic fantasy series, THE WHEEL OF TIME (you can read about this here and on my left sidebar). Reading Brandon's blog keeps me apprised of his progress - he is very open with his fans - so I knew that the book was getting longer than originally expected. The publisher, Tor Books, made some announcements regarding the book yesterday and I'm dying to discuss them with someone!
Here's the official news:
- Rather than one extremely long and unbindable book, it will be split into three separate volumes (all long as well). Fans were expecting a 2-volume book so this was a bit shocking.
- Volume 1 will be released in Nov. '09. The following volumes will come each in Nov. '10 and Nov. '11. Fans were expecting a two-volume release with a six-month gap between.
- A new encyclopedia will be released about a year after the final-final book.
- Tor.com's big announcement
- Brandon Sanderson's explanation - a very good read! In fact, he handles it better than the official announcement did.
- More info at Dragonmount.com
- interview with Harriet, Jordan's widow and long-time editor
But then I thought about it more and realized a few things.
First, I get to live in THE WHEEL OF TIME land for another few years. I've been inhabiting this world, following these characters, since the mid-1990s so the ending of the series is a huge event for me. Now I get more time with them - and that can only be a good thing.
Second, a book a year is MUCH better than Robert Jordan had done in many years (for a variety of good reasons). So I won't have to wait nearly as long as I did for the last few books.
However, this does present a problem. I've spent the last year listening to the first 11 books in the series on audio in order to prepare for the last book - I wanted everything to be fresh in my mind. And I'm also following along with Tor.com's re-read of the series which is scheduled to finish just before November. All this was in preparation for the END of the series ... but now I'm only getting the BEGINNING of the end.
Oh well, I guess I should just be grateful that there will be THREE more books to enjoy, and that I can spread that enjoyment out for a few more years yet.
Any other WHEEL OF TIME fans out there want to chime in on this? Even if you're not a fan, I'd love to hear your thoughts. Has something like this every happened with a series you love?