The whole title of this book is Queen of the Road: The True Tale of 47 States, 22,000 Miles, 200 Shoes, 2 Cats, 1 Poodle, A Husband, and a Bus with a Will of it's Own. It's written by Doreen Orion (who also wrote this book - betcha didn't know THAT, now did ya?!)
Ok, now for the quick (and unique?) review.
- I have absolutely nothing in common with this woman - in fact, I strongly dislike people like her in real life - and yet I completely loved this book.
- If you want to laugh, read this book.
- If you cringe in horror over the excess money some people can just throw around, read this book. (I cringed and laughed at the same time.)
- If you have a love affair with parenthetical comments, read this book. (Seriously Doreen - I think you need a parenthetical intervention! ~LOL~)
- If you just love it when the know-it-all spoiled rich girl gets hit with a dose of reality and turns out much better for it (while keeping her sense of humor in tact!), read this book.
Also - and this is really cool! - I submitted a question about this book to Celestial Seasonings Book Club and they chose MY QUESTION (and 9 others) to be part of an upcoming webcast with Doreen. Unfortunately, I sent this question so long ago that I can't remember what the heck I asked, but oh well. As a thank you for my (hopefully) brilliant question I get a signed copy of the book* and $50 worth of tea - yeah!
I'll post a link to the webcast as soon as it's available. If Doreen is as funny "in person" as her writing suggests, this will be a not-to-be-missed event!
What are you waiting for?! Go buy a copy of Queen of the Road right now - you won't regret it!(If you need more convincing go check out Doreen's website.)
* If you notice, that means I'll have two copies of this book. Don't get your hopes up though - I've already promised one to a PBS buddy.
I'd love to post your review here too - leave a comment with your link!
Devourer of Book - the intro to her review is EXACTLY what I was thinking too!
Booking Mama - she has lots in common with Doreen, unlike me! And her review is much more thorough than mine.
Softdrink - was right there with me on the parentheses thing
Leafing Through Life - also enjoyed this one
I loved this book!
I also "won" the signed book and gift basket from Celestial Seasonings.
I thought the author's name sounded familiar. I read the other book you were talking about - I Know You Really Love Me - and I found it very interesting. I'll have to check this one out!
Ooooh. I can't wait to read it! Off to read the other reviews now too.
I loved this book, too!
Haven't read it, and in fact never heard of it until your excellent review! I'm so out of the 'new books' loop. :<) I loved your review, and don't need to read any others to convince me to read it! Thanks so much.
I love it when the rich girl gets hit with a dose of reality! The comment alone is enough to make me want to read this. Oh, and $50 for tea?? I'm so jealous! If you happen to have any left over... :)
It sounds like a fun book. I'll have to add it to my "Books to read" list.
"If you are like me, once you read two or three reviews of the same book you skip over any other reviews of that book that you come across."
Ha ha, totally! Which is why I skipped over the "review" part of your post. ;-) I'm really eager to read this book.
Yes, I'm guilty of skipping reviews if I've alredy read several about that book (and, yes, I speak and write parenthetically)
Having said that, your unusual review format drew me in (even though *Queen of the Road* is already on my wish list)
Congrats on the win from Celestial Seasonings!
I can't wait to read this book!
--Anna (Diary of an Eccentric)
Well, it looks like I'm going to be the only one...
I didn't like this book AT ALL. I bought it thinking it was going to be a really great account of someone doing something similar to what I do - except in a luxury bus.
But...I could barely get through the book and kept put it down so often that even my boyfriend said, "Don't like the book, huh?" - which is a biggie since he rarely comments on anything I read.
Maybe I have a different perspective than most people since my life basically consists of what she did for this year on the road. My job is more fun than work, so not only have I been to most of the places she mentions, but I've been even more!
As a person who loves to travel (and who lives in Tucson, where she lived for a while) I didn't find the descriptions of the places she went enticing at all.
Were any of you who read this book interested in visiting the places she mentioned and if so, why?
I just found her to be a bit annoying and couldn't imagine how her husband could spend that much time in such a small space with her.
But then again, perhaps people think the same about me regarding my boyfriend! lol
Seriously though - not a book I would ever recommend.
Thanks for all the comments! And I especially appreciate The Daily Rant's comment. Seriously, I thought I would really dislike this book; like I said, I don't think Doreen and I would get get along in person. Confession time? I spent most of the book laughing AT her (sometimes WITH her but usually AT her). And I didn't treat it as a travel guide - in fact, she trashed some of the places that I'd really like to go - so I didn't really pay much attention to her place-descriptions.
Anyway, I totally get that this book is not for everyone ... but I did enjoy it. :)
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