(And can I add right here that I am totally in love with Spock now?! Which is odd, because I would NOT have said that prior to seeing the movie.)

UPDATE: I just had to add this clip from Saturday Night Live ... it is TOO funny!
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My hubby went to see this Friday and he wants to see it again already.
bermudaonion - Me too! I thought it was fun and different, yet still TREK.
It's been get a lot of good press! Looks like fun!!
I haven't seen it, but am planning on it.
Well you already know this, but I loved it too! Both the movie and the plot device were great! I think I'm going to have to pull out some Star Trek episodes to watch over lunch, just to tide me over until I can see the movie again. LOL! :)
Staci - I'd heard both good and bad things, but I loved it.
ANovelMenagerie - Hope you enjoy it!]
Alyce - *** SPOILER ALERT! *** We've already discussed this on your blog, but I'll say it again: what I love about the time travel/changing the future plot is that "old" Spock still exists. Too me, that validates all the Star Trek canon and keeps it in existence in "old" Spock. But it still leaves room for lots of new adventures and for the characters to develop in different ways. Exciting!
I wasn't planning on seeing this, but you've made me change my mind. This new Spock must REALLY be something!
chartroose - I think it is the combination of reserve and emotion ... and the fact that you see him kiss someone! Strangely sexy, I must say.
Yes, I loved it, too!!!!!
And yes, I am uncomfortable with the fact that I now find Spock sexy!!! What in the world?????
I think it helps that he's also, you know, Sylar. ;)
Yeah, I don't really have anything else to say, I loved it, I found it fresh, hip, and young, the plot device didn't bother me and I kind of want to see it again, too!
I must be the last person on this earth who is not at all excited about this movie. But I am glad you enjoyed the movie so much :)
Haven't seen it yet, but plan on it eventually. My folks went to see it last night. Waiting to hear what they thought about it.
Ooh! I have to check if this is out here in Germany yet! I was never a big Star Trek fan, but I am open minded.
Amy - Ahh, so I'm not alone in my love of Spock. Phew! And sorry, but I have no clue who Sylar is!
violet crush - To each their own as they say! I'm a huge sci-fi nut so this right up my alley. WOOHOO!
Robin - Hopefully they'll give you a good report. :)
Lenore - I hope it IS out in Germany ... I can't imagine waiting any longer to see it. And I think this will appeal to even non-Trekkies, so enjoy!
I'm dying to see the movie and have heard it's pretty good. I'll have to watch that clip when I'm at home and have sound :) Thanks!
My husband and I went to see this last Friday. We both loved it. It had so much of the old show in it (which my husband appreciated) and yet it was also so fresh and new.
I really liked the time travel device. It opens so many doors for sequels without having to stick to the old timeline.
Amanda - Definitely!
Literary Feline - I just read your review and it sounds like we have much the same opinion. Just imagine all the new adventures our "old" crew can have - what fun!
We just saw Star Trek on Saturday and I LOVED IT! I want to go watch it again. I grew up in a trekkie family and this is by far the best movie so far.
Natasha - This was the first Trek movie I'd seen on the big screen (I watched all the others at home over the years). It was Kiddo's first experience with Star Trek ever ... and now he's a Trekkie for life. :)
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