Back in July the lovely and hilarious Chartroose (who is currently on a blogging break ... *sob*) dared me to watch 10 episodes of the 1970s show Battlestar Galactica. I'm not sure why she chose this particular show for me to watch. Did she think I would enjoy it? Hate it? I can't say what her intentions were but I CAN tell you that I had a BLAST with this!
Before this dare I had never seen a single episode of either the original Battlestar Galactica (BG from here out) or the new version. I had very little idea what it was all about. I did know that there were bad guys called Cylons and that most of the humans had been killed, but that was all I knew.
I watched the shows on Hulu.com, at the advice of a coworker. It was the perfect solution! I'm so glad she suggested this, otherwise I'd have had to sign up for Netflix just to complete my dare. If you haven't tried Hulu yet (and I hadn't before this dare) you should definitely check it out - there are TONS of great shows, new and old, on there!
So what did I think of my 10 episodes of classic BG? They were so much fun! I was intrigued with the premise of the show right from the beginning. Of course, the special effects are all completely outdated but that is only to be expected.
Here are some random things I thought about as I watched the show:
- Hmm, this is a lot like Star Wars ...
- No, it is a lot like the original Stargate (movie and tv show) ...
- No, wait, now it is more like Star Trek: Voyager!
- What's the deal with characters named after Greek gods? Is that somehow significant?
- Hey, is that Jane Seymour? Yes, it most certainly is!
- Why does everyone else get goofy names and Jane Seymour gets "Selena"? That seems rather unfair.
- The kids have the worst names of all. Boxy? Pupus? Ugh.
- Oh boy, these special effects are ridiculous. One more close up shot of the fighter pilots control stick as they press the fire button and I'll fall off the couch laughing. Oops, there I go! And again. And AGAIN!
- If I have to see another close up of that control stick ...
- Starbuck is supposed to be the ladies man but I like Apollo quite a bit more (he's cuter to me).
- The 1970s women's hairstyles must have really come back into fashion because these gals don't look outdated at all.
- Man, these episodes just get cheesier and cheesier as the season progresses!
I'm so glad Chartroose dared me to do this and that I took her up on the offer. I only wish that she'd come back from her blogging break and share her crazy humor with us again. I MISS YOU CHARTROOSE!
Now that I've completed MY dare, I'm curious to know how my "darees" are doing with their dares (I'm talking about you Alex, Shawna, Robin, and Susan!). These ladies have until April 2010 to finish their dares, but I'm wondering if they've even started yet ...
Yay! So glad you loved it. Hubby and I are great fans of BSG!
I'm glad the dare was fun for you! I'm sure my husband and son have seen every episode of this show.
You should watch the new series - the special effects are amazing and the I think it is even better!
I don't get how BSG has such great effects on SciFi network and V has such HORRIBLE effects on ABC...
I watched the original BSG for part of a season back when it was originally on - yes, total cheesefest! And I agree w/you re: Apollo vs. Starbuck.
In the revamped BSG, they made Starbuck a woman :-). I actually never saw any of the new series, although it's supposed to be many times better. However, my husband has put the DVD on his Christmas list, so maybe...
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Jenn - I can totally see why!
bermudaonion - I think I'd get along just fine with the men in your life. :)
Caitie F - I will def. watch some of the new shows. As for V, I have to say that I've been rather bored with is so far ...
Florinda - I'd heard about the new female Starbuck - my BIL had an absolute FIT about it. But maybe I'll like him better as a her. ~LOL~
BSG makes me think of Dwight on "The Office!" Tee hee. So I guess that makes me a proxy-fan.
OpheliaZepp - Should I admit I've never seen The Office?
I know I would love this.
I loved this show. Along with Buck Rogers it was one of my favorite SciFi shows to watch growing up. I loved Muffit the robotic drone dog.
Suey - yes you would!
Ryan G - The dog cracks me up, and Kiddo too. :) And I have to admit that I've never seen Buck Rogers ...
I loved this show when it was on t.v.! It was cheesy even then but those guys were so hot!
Lisa - cheesy but hot about sums it up :)
I haven't watched it yet.
Freedom Debt Reviews
You're right. I haven't started yet...I better get on that...
thank you! I needed a kick to start my Chartroose Dare (I have one Ingmar Bergman movie in house but yet to watch - maybe today)
I honestly don't know if I've seen any of the BG series from the 70s - how sad. and I have yet to try hulu so maybe I'll go check these out.
loved this post - very fun.
Justin - Give it a try sometime!
Plays with Needles - I figured as much... ;)
Care - Good luck with your dare - I hope you enjoy it as much as I did mine.
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