I enjoy BBAW every year even though I get complete computer burn-out by Friday. I love the daily topics and seeing everyone's different takes on them. I haven't had a chance to visit all that many new-to-me blogs this week due to my work schedule, so ...
Goal #1 - check out the Mr. Linky posts on the BBAW blog and visit some new bloggers over the next few weeks
A lot of my time right now is focused on preparing for the two panels I'm moderating at the Baltimore Book Festival. That leads me to ...
Goal #2 - continue to build connections between local (MD/DC/VA/PA etc.) bloggers via the new database and help bloggers work together to promote literary events in our general area
Once things settle down after the Festival I need to reevaluate the time I spend on the internet. I need to make time to work on some other projects which means that I will ...
Goal #3 - establish a schedule of blogging time and (attempt to) stick to it - assign myself a certain number of hours during the week, on specific days, and do all my blog writing in that time
And one other thing I'm planning to do in the coming year, simply because I miss the pleasure it brings, is ...
Goal #4 - make re-reading books more of a priority
Those are my immediate and long-term goals as of today. Do any of your goals match mine?
I wish I had more bloggers in my area. Instead there are only two of us that I know about. Sigh.
May you keep reading wonderful books and blog about those for us!
Here is my BBAW: Forgotten Treasures post!
I feel like every month I find out about more bloggers in my area (NY/upstate- NY) and it's like winning the lottery every time I hear about it.
I may have to add the scheduling specific blogging time and re-reading to my goals as well. I'm audio-ing Harry Potter right now and picking up on so many things I never noticed the first time around, like how funny Draco's insults are, etc.
Best of luck on your goals! I hope your panel goes swimmingly :-)
I'm so glad I managed to read lots of other blogs before setting goals of my own. I am getting lots of great ideas for everyone!
Phew, what great goals! I'm impressed by goal #3, I can really only write when the mood strikes me :D
I'd like to get more involved in the local literary stuff, too, but it's hard when I have so much going on with work and family. Good luck with your goals, and I'm sure I'll see you at the Festival.
I really like your goal #3 and wish that's one I could focus on, too. I was thinking this morning that I need to learn to blog more efficiently--and I think I can do that with my own blogging, but how to keep up with the community in an efficient manner? I guess just by realizing you can't do it all?
Love how involved you are with your booking community!!
I like your goal #4. That's one of mine too. And #3. :-)
Great goals, especially # 3. I should do that myself. Haven't had much time to visit all the new to me blogs so will be doing so over the next couple weeks. All those links just so overwhelming at times.
You're lucky to live in a area full of bloggers - the closest to me that I know of is 2 hours away. Good luck with your goals!
I think my biggest goal is going to be to find a balance between blogging and real life -- one always seems to take over the other.
I'm looking forward to next weekend!
I really need to re-read more. I never do that anymore- too much on my TBR stack :-)
You are already well on your way to achieving goal #2! You're a fantastic organizer. :)
Love your goal #3. I used to set 30 minutes each day to do bloggy things, like writing and reading blogs. I'd tell myself, regardless of whether I was done writing the post, I should stop when my 30 mins. is up. With that sched, I was able to post like 3x a week. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough discipline to continue with the sched. Ah, but you're inspiring me to try it again.:)
Thank you all for chiming in with your opinions! I don't know how well I'll do with these goals but I'll definitely give them a shot. :)
Lots of luck with your goals!
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