To recap, here are the four books he recommends:
- What Planet Are You On? Planet Earth
, by Dan Gilpin - brought home from BEA - Kiddo recommends this to kids who like science and who are on a grade 3 reading level
- Diary of a Worm
, by Doreen Cronin - from the library - Kiddo says this was an easy, fun read
- Big Nate
, by Lincoln Pierce - brought home from BEA - Kiddo says it is funny and fun to read
- Frankenstein Makes A Sandwich
, by Adam Rex - I bought this years ago and Kiddo didn't like it, but now he loves it - after I told him about the Dueling Monsters Read-a-long I'm co-hosting in October he decided this would be a fun book for kids to read if they wanted to do their own Dueling Monsters event [FYI: the sign-up post for this year's Dueling Monsters Read-a-long will post here on 9/29]

Heather, Kiddo did a great job! May I hire him to introduce all my reads? LOL
Glad to see he is enjoying reading so much.
Gotta love the BEA haul -- it keeps giving! I actually posted today about one of my BEA books that my 12 year old just read.
I need to look into those Adam Rex books. They look fun.
Awesome vlogging job Kiddo! I love Diary of a Worm. The others all look like great fun too.
Kay - I'm sure he'd love it. :)
Jennifer - I'm looking forward to checking out your post later on!
Suey - I'll be sure to pass along the compliment. :)
I used to read Diary of a Worm at story times when I worked at a bookstore a few years ago - great book!
Kiddo is adorable and did a great job with the video! That little grin gives away just how much he enjoyed the books! He's being quite a little bookworm!
Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich sounds good.
Here is mine
mommablogsalot - Cool! I remember another book called Diary of a Wombat that Kiddo liked a few years ago ... I'll have to see if it's the same author.
bermudaonion - Thanks! I'm rather proud of him. :)
Brooke - I'll be over to check yours out later today.
Nice job, Kiddo! I love Diary of a Worm, and the one by his friend Spider, too!
We've read all 3 of Doreen Cronin's diary books, they're all wonderful.
Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich would be a bit hit in my house, I'll have to check it out.
Nancy @
Great book reviews Kiddo!
Heather, he is much braver about doing that sort of things than my kids are. My son loved Big Nate and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. He also recently read The Adventures of Ook and Gluk and really enjoyed it.
morninglight mama - ooh, there's one about spider? Kiddo will be thrilled!
Nancy - There's a 2nd Frankenstein book so look for that one as well. :)
Alyce - Yeah, Kiddo LOVES to be the center of attention so this stuff is right up his alley. :) I'll have to get him an Ook and Gluk book and see if he likes it - thanks for the suggestion!
Horrible Histories (& Horrible Science, Geography, etc, etc) are very popular in our house. I strongly recommend them.
It's history, science, etc with all the gory, creepy, poisonous bits left in.
I've noticed that other series have adopted similar book covers, but the content is much more boring, predictable and poorly conveyed.
What a great post! Kiddo did a great job! My oldest & are are just finishing up Big Nate now and we'll be starting up the new one soon!
blackwatertown - Those definitely sound like something Kiddo would enjoy - I'll have to see if I can find them.
Jenn - Cool! Maybe the boys can chat about it at the Baltimore Book Festival this weekend ... :)
My kiddos just finished Big Nate, too! They really liked it.
Andi - It looks like a really fun book!
Kiddo rocks!! Jack and I want to subscribe to him on YouTube or Twitter or wherever....we're fans and we give him a four thumbs up!
Plays With Needles - Well, we DO actually have a YouTube channel where I put all his videos. :) I'll be posting clips from his hockey games once the season starts!
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