I'm now officially back from my Disney vacation but this is a pre-scheduled post so I can't tell you how much fun I had just yet. I'm always overwhelmed with things to do and blogs to catch up on after a few days away, so I hope you'll put up with my pseudo-absence a little longer. In the meantime, enjoy these links!
- What do The 6th Sense (the movie) and The Turn of the Screw (the book) have in common? Click here to find out.
- What are your thoughts on strong female characters? Which are your favorites? Get in on the discussion at OCD, vampires, and rants, oh my!
- SciFi publisher Tor Books (whose website I totally love: tor.com) launched an online store recently. And they are promoting not only their own books but scifi/fantasy from a wide variety of publishers. Read an interview about it here and check out the store here.
Life & History
- This one minute video about the impact of adoption is amazing. Go check it out! And the blog it is posted on is one of my favorites - the couple recently adopted their daughter from China, and they have grandchildren her same age.
- Beach erosion in England reveals historical artifacts. Watch the video here.
- Ancient people roasted mammoths for dinner - cool!
- The sport of "Hill Cheese Rolling"? Looks crazy to me but the photos are worth checking out for sure.
- Plays With Needles is a blog I read consistently and it is one of my favorites. I'm NOT a creative person but this blogger certainly is! Hop on over here to see her latest creation and read the story she weaves around it ... simply amazing in my opinion. (Yes, this is the same blogger I met recently.)
- Jellyfish are some of the most interesting looking creatures in the sea, don't you think? I'm thrilled that our local aquarium has added them to their exhibits. Check out these stories and videos featuring some of the amazing jellies that can now be seen at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland. And this story tells how they constructed the exhibit - too cool! Here's the official website for the Waterfront Invasion.
- And speaking of sea creatures, check out this info on satellite tagging and find out how you can track ocean animals on the internet.
- If you are a dog-lover then you have to check out the video that Dreamybee posted - tell me that doesn't make you smile!
- Remember how much I loved LITTLE BEE? Nicole Kidman loved it too. She's fighting for the movie rights so she can play one of the main characters, Sarah. The book was sold in Britain as THE OTHER HAND.
- Have you seen the trailer for the Robert Downey, Jr. Sherlock Holmes movie? It is definitely NOT what I expected but I think it could be really good. Check it out and let me know what you think.
- Watching the new Star Trek on the International Space Station ... WOW! Oh, and lots of behind the scenes footage from the various Star Trek tv shows will soon be available.
- Ghostbusters III? Yup, they're making it. Kiddo will be thrilled - he's recently discovered the first two movies and loves them.
- Are you a Lord of the Rings fan? Then you have to check out this amazing fan film, The Hunt for Gollum. It cost only $4,500 to make and looks to be amazing! I haven't had a chance to watch it yet but this review and this review both have great things to say. Watch the trailer here.
- Have you ever been disappointed at the way a movie ended? Check out these alternate ending for Star Wars IV, Lord of the Rings, and Beowulf. And if you want more fun you can find lots of others here.
- What's the deal with remaking old movies lately? They're redoing Short Circuit, Flight of the Navigator, and a whole bunch of others ...
- The first trailer for THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE ...