The challenge is simple - read one "really old classic" between Nov. '09 and Feb. '10. What is a "really old classic"? We define it as anything written prior to 1600 AD. Both Rebecca and I have come to love many of these old stories and poems and we are excited to get others to read them as well.
Of course you can always read more than one. In fact, there's an optional second level to the challenge for those of you who want to take it on. And for extra credit you can read a modern retelling of one of the really old classics. See, there's something for everyone here!
Get all the details at the challenge blog - and be sure to subscribe so you can keep up to date with any challenge news. Hope to see you there!
Yay !
*runs to the challenge blog*
Raising hand. Decided to join in. I have a few that have been sitting on the shelves. Will have to decide which one. Already signed up at the challenge blog.
Fun, fun, fun! I just signed up :)
Charlotte, Robin, and debilyn - Glad to see so much enthusiasm so quickly!!!
hmmm....I'm thinking about it. I always wanted to read the Devine Comedy. I j ust may be able to squeeze this in ;)
Yeay! Thanks for posting about it already...off to write my own post.
I too am so excited to see the enthusiasm!
wow! i've completed a challenge without even trying! (i just finished teaching beowulf and am now introducing the canterbury tales!)
cool idea for a challenge!!
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