9 Books Read
- The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race Against an Epidemic, by Gay Salisbury & Laney Salisbury - a fascinating look at a true emergency and the people (and dogs) who overcame it
- The Help, by Kathryn Stockett - a very good Civil Rights era story - not perfect, but highly recommended
- Silver: My Tale as Written by Me, with a Goodly Amount of Murder, by Edward Chupak - if you are a pirate fan, this is a must read
- Time Bandit, by the Hillstrand Brothers - as a fan of The Deadliest Catch (on the Discover Channel) I really loved this behind-the-scenes look at one of the featured boats
- Steve & Me, by Terri Irwin - a touching look at the life of The Crocodile Hunter that reminded me how much I loved him - fans of the show will get a lot from this book
- Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific by Raft, by Thor Heyerdahl - fascinating true story, one of my favorite books of the year
- The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova - a very complex and gothic-feeling book - I think it would translate very well into a movie
- Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir Survivaof l, by Norman Ollestad - interesting survival story but not as good as I'd hoped
- Old Man's War, by John Scalzi - reminded me of a mix between Avatar and Starship Troopers - if that sound like a good mix then you'll enjoy this book
15 Remaining Book Choices:
- The Greatest Generation Speaks: Letters and Reflections, by Tom Brokaw (this has been on various lists for 2 years now)
- Vivaldi's Virgins, by Barbara Quick (I started this but couldn't get into it - it's in the donation box now)
- Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett (I want to read this one now but I let someone borrow it ...)
- The Last Town on Earth, by Thomas Mullen (I started this one then I lost the book)
- When We Were Gods: A Novel of Cleopatra, by Colin Falconer
- Ireland: A Novel, by Frank Delaney
- A History of Celibacy, by Elizabeth Abbott
- Mistress of the Vatican, by Eleanor Herman
- A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson
- The Toss of a Lemon, by Padma Viswanathan
- The Book Lovers Cookbook, by Shaunda Kennedy Wenger
- Consumption, by Kevin Patterson
- The Last Gentleman Adventurer: Coming of Age in the Arctic, by Edward Beauclerk Maurice
- Dry Storeroom No. 1: The Secret Life of the Natural History Museum, by Richard Fortey
- The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie
I fully intend to read more from my own shelf next year. Last week I went through every book and gave away any that I didn't intend to read (or re-read) and now I really KNOW what is on my shelves. There are so many that I really want to get to! I'm intentionally accepting fewer review books - hopefully that will allow me to get to more of the books I already own. *fingers crossed*
At least you gave it a shot. Better luck next time.
There's always next year, and besides at least you read 9 books on your list!
This is the one I too have a hard time believing that I just can't do! What's up with that? I think I read just 2 from my list this year.
You did good. My plan for 2011 is to again do a book buying ban and read my own books and try to whittle down the pile.
I didn't finish this one either. Part of my problem is that what sounds perfect for me at the beginning of the year isn't always what I'm in the mood for later in the year.
Congrats on the 9. I look at my shelves and think I could so that... but I wonder really if I could :)
From your lists I have only read The Help (did not like) and The Historian which I liked very much. Nice list.
Great list, though I feel the same way about TBR piles - it seems like with a little determination, it would be so easy to plow through, but then life and other interesting titles distract us, and there goes that determination!
You did great. I'm reading more from my shelves next year, too. :-)
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