Ambassador of Books ~ Book Club Madam ~ Blogger Gal

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Invisible Children of Uganda

Are you aware of what is going on in Uganda right now? I'll admit that I've heard little about this, hence the reason for this post.

What were you doing Christmas Day 2008? While I was enjoying the day with my family, taking pictures of Kiddo opening gifts, Joseph Kony's army was massacring 600 people, abducting 220 people (including 160 children), and mutilating countless others.

Click here to watch a 30 minute video about the Invisible Children. It IS worth 30 minutes, I assure you. It is also heartbreaking - be sure not to watch this when your kids are around.

There is a chance to get involved, a chance for you to bring world attention to this crisis. Please visit 5 Minutes for Mom for info on the "abduct yourself" campaign set for April 25.


Becca said...

I am aware of this and it breaks my heart. I try to keep up-to-date on genocide and child soldiers because if I had better health I would be a relief worker in these countries. I am heading over to 5 Minutes for Moms and see what they have. Thanks for posting this!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting!


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