Dear friends,
With a new book coming out and an ongoing celebration ("Fifteen Weeks of Bees"--link below) in the Laurie R. King e-universe, I wanted to include ways to help Independent booksellers, libraries, and people to whom hardback novels are but a distant dream. Here's what I've come up with:
Indies--A piece of art:
Readers who buy a copy of The Language of Bees from an independent bookseller and send us their receipt will be entered into a drawing for a truly gorgeous piece of art: an original, limited edition letterpress broadside (value $125) of "A Venomous Death," a new, illustrated Laurie King short story featuring Mary Russell, Sherlock Holmes, and... bees. Details are at the link below.
Libraries--A set of Russells:
During National Library Week, we're collecting library love letters from their patrons. The winning letter gets a copy of the new book, The Language of Bees. At the same time, their library wins a complete set of hardback Russell and Holmes novels, beginning with The Beekeeper's Apprentice. We will also do a drawing this week from the "Laurie Loves Libraries" list on the LRK web site, and send that library a copy of the new book.
Fundraiser--Name a character, hear from Holmes:
Both to help the world and to honor bees (two books with bees in the title, after all,) we've set up a fundraising page at Heifer International to send beehives to poor communities worldwide. Those who donate two or more hives will get an exclusive Heifer booklet on beekeeping by Sherlock Holmes--and be entered into a drawing to name a character in the next Russell and Holmes novel.
I would appreciate it if you spread the word, and lend a hand to three great causes.
The links:
- Fifteen Weeks of Bees: http://www.laurierking.com/?page_id=912
- "A Venomous Death" Indies drawing: http://www.laurierking.com/?p=2614
- Libraries: http://www.laurierking.com/?page_id=2653
- Heifer International beehive project: www.heifer.org/laurierking
- The Fifteen Weeks contests: http://www.laurierking.com/?page_id=1725
- Free e-book download of The Beekeeper's Apprentice: www.TheBeeisFree.com
I hope that you will take advantage of some of these great opportunities!
What wonderful opportunities she has posted! I love the idea of sending hives to poor communities. Thanks for posting all that!
This doesn't look like my type of book, but I totally want to send a love letter to my library anyway. :-)
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