Brandon Sanderson and Harriet Rigney (Robert Jordan's widow and editor) will be at a bookstore near me on October 29th and you'd better believe that date has been circled on my calendar for quite some time. There's no way I'd miss the chance to meet Brandon and other WoT fans!
I just found out that I've been chosen as one of four "Storm Leaders" for the 10/29 tour stop. What is a Storm Leader you ask? Here are the official details:
Storm Leaders will get the rare opportunity to meet with Brandon and/or possibly Harriet in a casual setting before the actual book signing. Typically this will be at a nearby coffee shop, restaurant, or inside the bookstore cafe. Food and drinks will be provided, so there’s no cost to you. You’ll get the opportunity to meet with Brandon (and/or Harriet), and discuss whatever you guys like. You can also get your books signed and personalized in advance. The amount of time you’ll have to hang out will vary from city to city depending on Brandon’s schedule, but right now we’re estimating that it will be about an hour. And, of course, you’ll receive an Official Collector’s Edition 2009 Gathering Storm Tour T-shirt. (Oh yeah)I was dancing around for joy when I found out I'd been chosen - WOOHOO!!!!!
In return for this opportunity, we’re going to put you to work. Each of the Storm Leaders will be asked to help document the event in different ways. Some Storm Leaders will take photos. Another will take notes and do a blog write-up for DM to share with the wider community. Some will hand out promotional material to people standing in line. If the bookstore needs help organizing lines, a Storm Leader will be there to help.

Dear blogger friends, I know that many of you have never read any of the Wheel of Time books. Many of you have never read fantasy period (for shame!). Here is your chance to remedy that.
Tor.com is giving away two "Fantasy Firsts": THE EYE OF THE WORLD, by Robert Jordan (book1 of the WoT series) and MISTBORN, by Brandon Sanderson (book 1 of the Mistborn Trilogy) to three lucky winners.
To enter, simply comment and tell me ONE of the following things:
why you love Robert Jordan
- why you love Brandon Sanderson
- why you want to try them out if you haven't read them before
- how excited you are for me that I get to be a Storm Leader!
I'll announce the three winners on 10/19 - good luck!
I haven't read anything by either of the authors but definitely would love to because I am a fantasy fan however, you enthusiasm puts me to shame that I haven't read "The Wheel of Time". I hope that I will be able to remedy that.
I am curious to see hw these books turn out for you. I haven't had much luck when another author finishes a series or writes a sequel when the original author had died. But hopefully you will have better luck than I have had.
Well, I read the novel (not the novella) New Spring in August 2008 so I could read the series. Then I started blogging and all my good intentions of reading the WoT series got put on the back burner. I'd love a chance to win book 1 so I can actually get hooked (liked I know I will). I gave the book a 8 out 10 and my notes say: I can't wait to read more.
I am also so thrilled that you are a Storm Leader -- You absolutely deserve to have the break and to immerse yourself in the excitement.
Being a Storm Leader sounds like a ton of fun.
I would love to win the books. My cousin has been all a-ga-ga over WoT for soooo long, and he has continually tried to convince me to read, but I've been overwhelmed by the number and length of the books, especially since he lives too far away to borrow his copies!
My jealousy is beyond words. ;)
I haven't read either, but I would like to because fantasy was the genre I started out in and it is very dear to me. So, I am always out for the next great fantasy novel.
Oh, wow, that's awesome! Congrats to you!
I want to try them out because I love sci-fi/fantasy -- it's fund getting lost in dream worlds :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Congratulations! I am a huge WOT fan and I read the first 11 back to back! But in true aes sedai fashion I did not scream out loud for joy when I read you were chosen as a Storm Leader. (Partly because Bob was watching football and he doesn't get the whole thing!) YEAH! ok Now I'm jumping up and down for you. What a tremendous honor! - Diana
Wow, that is quite an honor! I do read some fantasy, but haven't read anything by either or these authors yet. I tend to read more sci-fi than fantasy, but would love to give these a try.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would like to win these books because I've always been too intimidated by epic fantasy series. I've read some stand-alone and YA but I want to try Jordan and some others too.
I am also very excited for you getting to be a Storm Leader!
This is exciting news indeed! Sounds like you are in for a fabulous day with one of your literary icons. Enjoy it :)
I've never read any of these books but with your glowing reccommendations how can I turn them down??
I am so excited for you to be a storm leader - you deserved some good news!!! Cant wait to hear all about it.
Congrats on being a Storm Leader.
As for the contest, I can tell you that I love Brandon because he's one of the trio for the Writing Excuses podcast that I listen to religiously. And he cracks me up, so I keep meaning to read one of his books.
Well, I want to read the Wheel of Time series because I've heard it's AMAZING. Kind of a ho hum reason, but I really think I would like it. I'm not a sci-fi/fantasy junkie, but I do like it a lot!
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would love the chance to get to read these, please enter me and thanks :)
And, I'm answering the Q about why I'm excited for you getting to be a Storm Leader --- because then I can hear all about your fun experience and enjoy it vicariously :) That is such a wonderful opportunity, and you know you are going to have a great time!!! Kudos on being picked!
Oh, I'm so excited for you, Heather. A Storm Leader. Wow. I canNOT wait to hear about all this!
Thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book. Let's make some new converts!
Lucky lucky you! I can't wait to hear all about it! I REALLY need to start this Wheel of Time series one of these days.
I love Brandon Sanderson because his books are so extrememly imaginative. (Is that a word?)
I was going to say don't enter me because I have both books, but then I remembered I don't have Mistborn actually, but I do have Eye of the World. So... I don't know...
I would love to try out both of these authors. The excitement you have when talking about these books is contagious.
I'm very excited for you, I hope your meeting is everything you hope it will be.
Please count me in for this giveaway.
I would love to try out these authors because I have heard great things about them. I have a friend who is obsessed with Robert Jordan's books. She has good taste in books so I know they must be good.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I love Robert Jordan because just because his books are great. They're a stay-up-all-night type of read. And total congrats on being a Storm Leader, what fun for you!
never heard of it before but love reading fantasy - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I haven't read either because... well, there's really no good excuse, is there? Sure, I could point to my huge TBR pile, but really good books often get pushed to the top of that. I guess I just never got around to reading them? Or buying them in the first place, if you want to get technical. But I will... at some point! Also, congrats about getting to be a Storm Leader. That sounds awesome!
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