To take part in today's short meme, fill in the answers on your blog add your post to the Mr. Linky at Devourer of Books.

Impressions?: WILLOWS is ok - I'm listening to it because I never read it as a child and wanted to know what it is all about. I can't say anything about THINGS yet because I've only just started listening.
How long you’ve been listening to audiobooks: For as long as I can remember, probably since I was a child.
First audiobook you ever listened to: I have no idea ... I've been listening for longer than I can remember!
Favorite audiobook title: I can't pick just one ... I love the audio of the Saxon Stories series by Bernard Cornwell (I reviewed one of them today). THE HORSE BOY by Rupert Isaacson was very powerful to experience as an audiobook, and I definitely got more out of it than I would had I read it. I could go on and on ...
Favorite narrator: I don't have a favorite but there are a few who I seem to listen to more than any others, George Guidall being the most common. Lisette Lecat did a wonderful job with the Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency. And I love the work that Michael Kramer and Kate Redding do on Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series; with 14 books at approximately 30 hours each, I've spend a long, LONG time with their voices.
How do you choose what to listen to versus read? I go with whatever is available at my library, unless there is a strong reason to choose the print version over the audio version. Also, there is one particular narrator who I dislike so much that I won't listen to any books he works on, so that influences my decision as well.
I doubt they even had audio books when I was a child!
Bernard Cornwell's books are great on audio. I've listened to quite a few.
I think you are probably the only person who has said they've been listening since they were a child. Quite a few people remember using the listen & turn the pages of the book along with the audio-type books, but nobody else seems to have continued listening. Were your parents big audiobook fans?
My mother loves to listen to #1 Detective books on audio.
Wow! It's so neat to discover someone who has been listening to audiobooks since childhood! I imagine that you have probably listened to thousands by now! I also know what you mean about avoiding books by certain readers. I have come across some really bad ones as well.
I really liked The Things they Carried (audio) when I listen to it....powerful.
I'm reading The Things They Carried later in the July as part of my Tim O'Brien project and hoping to have a discussion about it. I haven't posted about it just yet, but soon. I think a perspective on listening to the story versus reading would be cool.
Sadly I'm not listening to any audio books right now, but all these meme's are making me itch to check one out!
bermudaonion - Aw come on, you're not THAT old! LOL
Beth F - He's so good, isn't he?!
Jen - Not really, but my dad had all the Lord of the Rings books on cassette and I loved listening to them as a kid ...
Nise' - I can see why - the narration is really good.
Zibilee - I wish I'd kept track of what I listened to over the years ...
Diane - I'm looking forward to getting more into that book!
Kim - Sounds like a plan! Let me know when you plan to do it.
Andi - I can see why - there are some great posts out this week!
I have Things They Carried in my TBR pile - I'll be looking to see what you thought of it! Here's my meme.
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