Last week I shared with you the books I picked up at BEA (Book Expo America) that I was really excited about. This week I'm sharing the books that got Kiddo really excited when I brought them home. Kiddo and I already reviewed one of those books (THE FOX IN THE DARK review is here) but there are lots more we haven't started yet ...
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, by Jules Verne - GRAPHIC NOVEL - I was so impressed with the graphic novels by Campfire Publishers. The illustrations are gorgeous but the best part is that they kept the original language from the book intact. You can check out a few sample pages at this link. This story is one of Kiddo's very favorites and he's already started trying to read it. The language is difficult but he likes the book so much that he's really working hard to read it himself.
Murder Afloat, by Jane Leslie Conly - (No cover image available since this doesn't come out until October)
I picked up this book because it is set in Baltimore (we live near there) and takes place partly on the Chesapeake Bay (which Kiddo loves). Here's the summary: Benjamin Franklin Orville is a boy without a care in the world. He has his own pony, he's caught the eye of the charming girl next door. He wants for nothing, until the day his mother sends him to market to get a chicken for dinner. Suddenly Benjy is caught up in a scuffle, kidnapped with a group of immigrants and forced to work aboard the Ella Dawn--one of the most ill-reputed oystering vessels in Baltimore. He tries to plead his case, but his captors are unimpressed by Benjamin's way with language. Soon the boy knows only hard work and hunger, a little bit of German, and a whole lot about injustice. It's more of an education than he ever got at home. And in between his growling stomach and his aching muscles, he also experiences the joys of the sea--a gentle rhythm that rocks him to sleep at night and freedom he never felt between the fancy walls of his home. Will Benjamin ever see his home again? And if he does, will he know what to do there?
Planet Earth: What Planet Are You?, by Dan Gilpin

Kiddo is fascinated with weather and science in general and he really got a kick out of the illustrations when he glanced through this book. I'm thinking it will be good for our upcoming cross-country plane ride ...
Babylon Series - COMIC BOOK- I really enjoyed the time I spent at the Kingstone Media booth during BEA. They have a variety of faith-based comics/graphic novel that I think Kiddo would enjoy, plus they were the ones who published SUDAN, which I picked up for myself.
This series tells the Biblical story of Daniel found in the Old Testament. Kiddo knows this story very well already but it is always fun to try out a new format.
Bats at the Beach
Those are my BEA finds for Kiddo ... did I add to any of YOUR wish lists this week?!
For more Friday Finds please visit Should Be Reading.
Kiddo made out without even being there! Happy reading, kiddo!
I think it's great that you picked up books to share with him. I hope he enjoys all of them.
Fun finds! I couldn't get through the regular 20,000 Leagues! My finds are at The Crowded Leaf.
I really like the graphic novel version of 20,000 leagues under the sea. looks good. thanks for the link!
Definitely want to get my hands on a copy of the graphic novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I think my stepkids would like it, but I'd probably like it even more.
Great books for kiddo :)
Great books! BEA was the first time I had seen the Periodic Table cartoon books. I'm going to have to pick up the Planet Earth one for my future astronauts! Thanks!
Great books. We love the Basher books and have the physics and chemistry ones. Forget their names. We just saw the preview for The Lightning Thief at the theatre. Now J is interesting in reading the book and seeing the movie. Yeah!
Looks like a great list. I didn't pick up any books for nieces or nephews . . . bad aunt!
Bermudaonion – I know, he was really lucky, right?!
diaryofaneccentric – I hope so too. :)
Alayne – We LOVE the story of 20,000 Leagues but we’ve never read the actual novel. This book looks really good though!
Ms Ulat Buku – Glad you liked it!
Andi – It seems to be the most popular of my Finds this week. :)
Mary – Thanks!
Alison’s Book Marks – Those were adorable books, weren’t they?! Kiddo loves the look of this one.
Robin – These books were completely new to me but they are so cool! And I’m glad you’ll be getting into the Percy Jackson books – I KNOW J will love them.
Beth F – Yes, but you DID pick up lots for yourself – GOOD BLOGGER!
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