Welcome to this week's Friday Finds, hosted as always by the lovely MizB. This week I bring you a very electic list ... this crazy mix should really tell you something about me!
- Silver, My Own Tale As Told By Me With A Goodly Amount Of Murder, by Edward Chupack - I heard about this one from Book Movement's newsletter - it tells the "true" story of Long John Silver, the pirate from Treaure Island - sounds like fun!
- Losing Control and Liking It, by Tim Sanford - MizB says "This is, by far, the best “parenting” book I’ve ever read. Highly recommended." 'Nuff said.
- Havah: The Story of Eve, by Tosca Lee - the fictional account of Eve (as in Adam and Eve) and My Friend Amy really liked it
- The Last Unicorn, by Peter Beagle - Chris at Stuff As Dreams Are Made On reviewed Beagle's new book and mentioned that he also wrote The Last Unicorn - it was one of my very favorite movies and I never knew it was a book first! I must read this. In case you've never seen it, here's a clip from the movie:
That song STILL gives me chills, even now. I'll have to watch that again, this time with kiddo. I showed him this clip the other night, plus the one with the singing butterfly and one with the red bull, and he TOTALLY wants to see it now. - The Last of the Mohicans, by James Fenimore Cooper - watching this movie while I was sick last week reminded me that I've never read the book - I remember hearing that it is quite different from the movie
- Tevye the Dairyman, by Sholem Aleichem - this is the book that Fiddler of the Roof is based on - I learned about it while reading Outwitting History (reviewed here) and now I simply MUST read it - you can read more about it at the National Yiddish Book Center's website
- any of the books by Charles Eastman - another movie I watched while sick was Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - it is the true story of Ohiyesah Charles Eastman, a Sioux Indian, born in 1858 - after living through the infamous battle with General Custer he was sent to live with the white people and was raised away from his culture - his life is a fascinating and sad mix of two cultures - he wrote many books and I'd love to explore some of them
- The Cruelest Miles: The Heroic Story of Dogs and Men in a Race Against an Epidemic, by Gay Salisbury - on my last Friday Finds, Dreamybee was kind enough to suggest some books she thought I'd like (thank you Dreamybee!) - I'm definitely interseted in this one - I've heard the story before but I'd love to read about this amazing ture adventure story
- Strand: An Oddesey of Pacific Ocean Debris, by Bonnie Henderson - reviewed at 5 Minutes for Books, this is a collection of essays about the items found on a beach in Oregon and a look at the various happenings that brought them there - a bit of scientific discover, some looks at different countries, and a study of the oceans all come together in these essays - this is the type of book that I find utterly fascinating
What a great post! I'm adding Silver for sure to my wish list.
I guess I'm totally out of it, but I've never heard of the Last Unicorn movie. It's now at the top of my NetFlix queue. Seriously. Great idea to put the clip in your post. I'll likely add the book to my list too.
Beth - PLEASE come back and tell me what you think of the movie! Like I said, it was a childhood favorite of mine. I hadn't thought about it in YEARS - now I can't wait to rewatch it.
You have some great finds. I am going to check those out!
For my FF post, click on my name!
I just started Silver a couple of days ago. So far so good.
Heather, I hadn't thought about the The Last Unicorn in a long time. My daughter watched it when she was young. I'll have to remind her of it and tell her to put it in her Netflix queue. Thanks for sharing!
Heather, Our reading group had great success with In the Devil's Territory by Kyle Minor
Wow, what a list of Finds! You have added a lot to your wish list this week. *Strand* sounds good to me, too.
My FF post is here.
The Last Unicorn is one of my favorites of all time. What a fabulous movie!
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