To help spread the word about why this is such a great event, there's a meme hosted by the BBAW blog about last year's experiences. Anyone who participated last year is welcome to do the meme, plus there are questions for bloggers who are new to BBAW this year.

Here are the questions for veterans, and my answers.
- What was the highlight (something that happened, a post, an activity, etc.) of BBAW for you last year? I was thrilled to be asked to give out two awards last year and even more thrilled to be nominated for an award. Although I didn't win the award for "Most Chatty Blog" I was beyond happy that my readers nominated me - it was sort of like a big hug from the blogosphere.
- What is one new blog you discovered during BBAW last year? One of the fun things last year was being paired up with another blogger and doing interviews of each other. That's how I met Anna, one of bloggers at OCD, Vampires, and Amusing Rants, oh my! I had never visited that blog before but now it is on my daily reading list. You can check out my interview of Anna here if you like - both she and I had lots of fun with it.
- What tips would you share to help others get the most out of their BBAW experience? First off, it is an overwhelming week. Last year I wasn't able to keep up with all the posts at all the various blogs. I'm thrilled that this year there is a dedicated BBAW blog - that should make things easier. But my advice would be to have fun with it. If you can't keep up, that's ok - just read the posts and do the activities that you DO have time for. Go along for the ride and you'll really enjoy yourself. Second I'd suggest remembering that (most) bloggers do what they do because they love it. But that doesn't mean you'll love every blog you visit. Find the ones that are compatible with you and add them to your reader - you'll be glad you did!
Thanks for some sound advice -- as a first-timer, I'll definitely be taking it!
Katie - Welcome to the craziness that is BBAW! I hope you have lots of fun this year. :)
Thanks for all the great advice. Really looking forward to the BBAW!
Jess - Glad to help!
This will be my first time participating too. Great advice!
Belle - Hope you have fun this year!
I love your advice. I felt overwhelmed too last year, but this time I'll try not to worry about keeping up.
Nymeth - I was definitely overwhelmed last year as well, and my life sort of revolved around my computer for those few days. :)
That is a fantastic post and you are one of the first ones I have read that has participated last year and filled out the questions. It is great to hear from a 2nd timer what year one was like and now I am even more excited! LOL
Sheila - Welcome to the fun! Glad I could be of help. :)
This is great advice! I'm looking forward to the interviews of other bloggers too.
Jenny - I love the interviews too. FYI, the sign up for this year's interviews is open now, so be sure to get on that list!
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