It’s that time again … time for 5 Minutes for Books’s “What’s on Your Nightstand?”
As you know, I don’t keep books on my nightstand (in part because I don’t have one) but rather in odd places throughout my house. Here’s run down of what I’m reading and where it can be found:
*** In my bag, wherever I go ***
Starfinder, by John Marco – I’ve been waiting for this ARC for months, so I had to start reading right away. I hope I’m not disappointed, but I can’t say yet because I’ve only just started it.
*** On my desk at work ***
Phineas Finn, by Anthony Trollope – It’s a LONG classic that I’ve really gotten into and am quite enjoying. I usually read it during my lunch break.
*** In my car ***
The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield (audio) – I love this, but three (!!!) of the thirteen cassettes don’t work! So I’ve also had to borrow the actual book and read the sections that are inaudible on the cassettes.
*** In my bathroom ***
The Ark, the Reed, and the Fire Cloud, by Jenny Cote – This is such a long book for me to read to
kiddo (and we’ve been working on it for so many months now) that I’m now taking every opportunity to squeeze in a chapter. I’ve been reading it to him while he’s in the shower, getting his pjs on, and brushing his teeth each night.
*** In my bed ***
Knife of Dreams, by Robert Jordan (audio) – I’m on
the 11th book in my Wheel of Time series reread/relisten. Book 12, the final book, is coming out in Nov. ’09 and I can’t wait!
*** Staring at me accusingly from the end table ***
Island, by Aldous Huxley – I’m so fed up with this book that I’ve put it aside indefinitely. I do want to finish it though, if only to see if there is ANY redeeming quality about it.
So ... what's on YOUR nightstand?
This One Is Mine is next to my bed. I've been reading it out loud to my husband before we go to sleep.
The Customer is Always Wrong is next to my reading chair.
And Delicate, Edible Birds is in my purse for reading on the train.
I am also reading Eclipse - the Patterson novel, not the Meyer one.
i got The Thirteenth Tale book from LibraryThings holiday swap! I haven't read it yet, though.
I LOVED the thirteenth tale - like can't say enough good things it was so good!
The Thirteenth Tale is excellent. Hopefully you will get a chance to read the whole book. Sorry the tapes aren't working so well.
Have fun reading.
Thanks for posting about "Starfinder" Heather! Great seeing it mentioned on your blog. Hope you enjoy it.
Loved the 13th tale. Just gave that one in our Holiday book exchange in book club. good luck with the recording.
Yes -- The ARk the Reed etc IS long. How do you like it? My daughter started but put it aside.
Lenore: it's funny that you have to clarify which Eclipse, right?!
Serena: don't wait - it is REALLY good!
Jen E & Robin & Plays with Needles: I'm really enjoying it, so I'll take it however I can get it.
John: Thanks! I'll have a review up soon, I promise.
Jennifer, Snapshot: It's good, but it isn't perfect. Kiddo is really liking it, so that's all that matters to me right now.
okay... I must now go and put The Thirteenth Tale on my TBR list.
You have many books going at once. Is hard to keep track of the storyline? I have many books sitting on my dresser just staring at me waiting for their turn to be read as i can only read one at a time. hehe.
ooo I love all of your different Nightstands! Have fun reading this month :-)
I've been thinking I wanted to read The Island at some point. Is it really that bad?
"Deadly Exchange," a first book, believe it or not, by Geoffrey Gluckman. It's a thriller -- I go through phases and I'm on a thriller/intrigue kick at the moment. This is a page-turner -- you get into the plot, meet the characters and off you go. I love computers, and this has lots of high-tech stuff, too. It's a heck of a thrill ride!
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